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Should this mechanic stay, or go?

Feb 15, 2009
The one where if a second turn group heal is cast on a similar turn a minion dies, the fallen minions can be revived. I think it should stay. The minion is technically still in the battle as a defeated target (as are defeated mobs) until the next turn. Any player that is healed can continue battling, and it should be the same with minions and mobs.

Jan 11, 2012
well, minions are an anomaly in the game. Once they die, they can't be revived yet they act like regular monsters and have an unlimited deck. I would imagine the reason why they're not revivable is because KI feels it would unbalance the game to be able to spam heal it. Personally, I feel minions are totally useless after Marleybone (if not Krokotopia).