I have waited for days for someone to have to do the Jabberwock quest, and no one had showed up. I've switched realms, asked for friends to help me, and I never seem to find anyone. Would anyone be willing to help me? I'll be in the vampire realm at 12:30 central time.
I have waited for days for someone to have to do the Jabberwock quest, and no one had showed up. I've switched realms, asked for friends to help me, and I never seem to find anyone. Would anyone be willing to help me? I'll be in the vampire realm at 12:30 central time.
Natalie Starflame ~ 76
If you need help i am glad to help you the jabberwock drops evil magma peas and trust me when i did it i got killed a lot i am always willing to help contact me when you can!
I have also been asking for help with the jabberwocky. I have received no reply. I have asked everyone who passed. The only taker left me when battle started. still need help. jenna spiritstone lvl80 fire
I have also been asking for help with the jabberwocky. I have received no reply. I have asked everyone who passed. The only taker left me when battle started. still need help. jenna spiritstone lvl80 fire
I can help anyone! Also I have some very powerful friends to help.