Everyday, before I log off I wear my pixie's gear for energy.
When I back in game the next day I use the energy and change gear.
I think I had some locked items that i had to lock again after change them but I am not sure. Has anybody have this issue? Because I think that some items unlock automatically after unequipped them and logging off but need to make sure because I had all items locked and I had to lock them again a few times.
Nope I have never had this issue before. Is it possible that you are clicking really fast and are accidentally unlocking your items without realizing it?
Sorry to double post, or if we can add this bit to my last post:
Today, again, I found myself having to lock two items again, unseen lord cinder plate stitched to the comander female robe and cold house chac boots stitched to some life pattern boots.
It is confirmed that these items unlock automatically after being unequipped once you log back in game.