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Leaving Mid-Battle?!?!

Nov 11, 2012
Does anyone else have a problem with people leaving mid-battle? It bothers me and people have done it to me many times and I end up losing! Does anyone else have a problem with this?

Nov 09, 2011
It really depends (for me anyway) if their a low level friend or a kinda high lvl that said they'd "help you" and then leave you there to suffer a slow death in a dungeon/quest. (it happened to me and another friend I know, unfreinded him) if it was the slow death one than yeah I would be furious, if it was the low lvl I would kinda mind, because of the extra enemy I know have to kill.

Also sorry for any misspelt words. Not a very good writer
Valkoor lvl 45 life

Feb 07, 2011
Sabrina Winterclou... on Oct 29, 2014 wrote:
Does anyone else have a problem with people leaving mid-battle? It bothers me and people have done it to me many times and I end up losing! Does anyone else have a problem with this?
oh, it happens a lot; esp. at the higher levels (longer dungeons due to spamming of cheat casts/pet spells, etc.=people don't always have the time required to actually finish the run).

this happens in waterworks/tartarus/morganthe battles all the time, but my worst experience was at level 60, when helephant tower was first released:

my entire group left after the first fight. i made it to the end, but i couldn't solo the final battle as the cheat required a full team... as much as it pained me to do it, i eventually gave up and logged out. i didn't go back for another 20 levels, at which point i enlisted the help of m4h (mercenaries for hire) from central because i knew they wouldn't bail on me.

yes, life happens. there are disconnections, power outages, random computer crashes (curse you, windows updates!), and circumstances that require immediate attention: if your child is hurt, or your house is burning down, then do what you must. but these are the exception, not the rule.

most people who leave you to fend for yourself are just inconsiderate. if my friend asks for help with tartarus and i know i'm leaving in an hour, i will say no, or not now: it's not mean, it's showing respect for that person and her time. i have no patience for long, cheat-y instances, and i will not make someone else repeat them unnecessarily because i can't keep my word.

you'd think that people would have respect for others and their time, but kindness is a dying art these days.

-von shadowsong


Oct 24, 2010
Dr Von on Oct 30, 2014 wrote:
oh, it happens a lot; esp. at the higher levels (longer dungeons due to spamming of cheat casts/pet spells, etc.=people don't always have the time required to actually finish the run).

this happens in waterworks/tartarus/morganthe battles all the time, but my worst experience was at level 60, when helephant tower was first released:

my entire group left after the first fight. i made it to the end, but i couldn't solo the final battle as the cheat required a full team... as much as it pained me to do it, i eventually gave up and logged out. i didn't go back for another 20 levels, at which point i enlisted the help of m4h (mercenaries for hire) from central because i knew they wouldn't bail on me.

yes, life happens. there are disconnections, power outages, random computer crashes (curse you, windows updates!), and circumstances that require immediate attention: if your child is hurt, or your house is burning down, then do what you must. but these are the exception, not the rule.

most people who leave you to fend for yourself are just inconsiderate. if my friend asks for help with tartarus and i know i'm leaving in an hour, i will say no, or not now: it's not mean, it's showing respect for that person and her time. i have no patience for long, cheat-y instances, and i will not make someone else repeat them unnecessarily because i can't keep my word.

you'd think that people would have respect for others and their time, but kindness is a dying art these days.

-von shadowsong

I had the same fleeing thing happen with my first wizard my first time through the Malestaire dungeon. We beat everything but Malestaire and his mobs... and the other two people left. No word.. just poof! Gone. My little Myth wizard didn't stand a chance, but I sure gave it a valiant effort over and over again until it got to late to even try anymore.

It does seem to happen more in the higher level dungeons (though the jump in and leave folks in Triton are still annoying) than anywhere else - and can really make a difference in whether you survive or can complete the dungeon solo.

Feb 29, 2012
Dr Von on Oct 30, 2014 wrote:
oh, it happens a lot; esp. at the higher levels (longer dungeons due to spamming of cheat casts/pet spells, etc.=people don't always have the time required to actually finish the run).

this happens in waterworks/tartarus/morganthe battles all the time, but my worst experience was at level 60, when helephant tower was first released:

my entire group left after the first fight. i made it to the end, but i couldn't solo the final battle as the cheat required a full team... as much as it pained me to do it, i eventually gave up and logged out. i didn't go back for another 20 levels, at which point i enlisted the help of m4h (mercenaries for hire) from central because i knew they wouldn't bail on me.

yes, life happens. there are disconnections, power outages, random computer crashes (curse you, windows updates!), and circumstances that require immediate attention: if your child is hurt, or your house is burning down, then do what you must. but these are the exception, not the rule.

most people who leave you to fend for yourself are just inconsiderate. if my friend asks for help with tartarus and i know i'm leaving in an hour, i will say no, or not now: it's not mean, it's showing respect for that person and her time. i have no patience for long, cheat-y instances, and i will not make someone else repeat them unnecessarily because i can't keep my word.

you'd think that people would have respect for others and their time, but kindness is a dying art these days.

-von shadowsong

Sometimes it also depends on circumstances. I know sometimes I have had to leave mid-battle for reasons I would not be able to see ahead of time. (With dinner/chores/stuff like that I generally say no unless I absolutely know I can fit it in.) There are some very specific reasons it is okay to leave, but generally I frown upon stuff like this happening.

That being said, if it happens to me I generally just soldier on, as I'm using to soloing most of the time. It does annoy me though and usually I unfriend said person unless I know them very well and they're one of my best friends.

Aug 20, 2011
I have had a few people bail on me over the years. It's hard to manage at times, and can be frustrating.

However, I have also bailed on some people when I didn't see any value in staying. I think the reasons are legitimate, and would cause a lot of people to bail.
  • Some people get unreasonably pushy. Like most people, I'll cooperate up to a point, but I don't like it when someone forbids me to end the battle when I am the one taking all the hits, or telling me what spells I have to use just because they want to see the animation. (Just destroy the ring, Frodo. Just do it.)

  • Some people only want to take advantage of you. I've bailed on Waterworks at least a couple of times when I realized I was with players who would only join battles after they were sure they would never get hit. About that... you're sort of going to have to a take hit at some point in this game. Not good teamwork.

  • Some people are going to lose and they don't know it yet. I have bailed on Tartarus a couple of times when I realized my teammates didn't have the right cards, had awful stats, and didn't seem to comprehend teamwork. It's not always very fun carrying your whole team through a dungeon.

Dec 26, 2013
Lucas Rain on Nov 3, 2014 wrote:
I have had a few people bail on me over the years. It's hard to manage at times, and can be frustrating.

However, I have also bailed on some people when I didn't see any value in staying. I think the reasons are legitimate, and would cause a lot of people to bail.
  • Some people get unreasonably pushy. Like most people, I'll cooperate up to a point, but I don't like it when someone forbids me to end the battle when I am the one taking all the hits, or telling me what spells I have to use just because they want to see the animation. (Just destroy the ring, Frodo. Just do it.)

  • Some people only want to take advantage of you. I've bailed on Waterworks at least a couple of times when I realized I was with players who would only join battles after they were sure they would never get hit. About that... you're sort of going to have to a take hit at some point in this game. Not good teamwork.

  • Some people are going to lose and they don't know it yet. I have bailed on Tartarus a couple of times when I realized my teammates didn't have the right cards, had awful stats, and didn't seem to comprehend teamwork. It's not always very fun carrying your whole team through a dungeon.
I've experienced all of the situations you pointed out and I agree, under these circumstances bailing is totally justifiable.

Unreasonably pushy guy... This is not my first rodeo and I don't need a drill sergeant. Suggestions are OK but when they try to choreograph the entire battle it gets to be a little too much. (Not to mention "Hey, don't use my feint" guy!).

Advantage takers... my favorite is the low level guy that manages to sneak in to Dragonspire to fight the Loremaster. They wait until the second round to join the battle and then never cast a spell. Sometimes I think they're taking a nap.

The Doomed... You spend every other round trying to keep them alive while they wand off your traps and feints. I don't mind helping people out, in fact I rarely refuse, but come on!