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how do i defeat these bosses?

Jul 06, 2012
i am attempting to go through all of wizard101 by only using storm spells. if it is possible, then can someone give me some good guides on defeating these bosses with only storm spells?

1. thulkir battlegloom
2. sulkir
3. frostbranch

i refuse to use anything but storm and astral spells. makes the game more interesting.

~John Hexvault Lvl 58

Aug 20, 2011
First things first. Is this your first time through the game? (It seems like it might be.) And are you trying to solo these bosses? (Again, it seems like you might be.)

I'll answer your question this way.

Is your primary school Storm? If so, let's have a look at your gear. Make sure you have gear that boosts your Storm damage (looks like a punch followed by a Storm symbol in the bazaar). Those boosts act as a blade, making every storm hit much stronger. You also want Storm accuracy, because fizzling will mean battles take longer, and longer battles mean you're going to lose. As you know, Storm doesn't get much health boost. (However, if your primary school is not Storm, I suggest using your primary school instead. It will be much easier.)

Make sure you have trained Death school up to Feint, or make sure you have Feint treasure cards. Also train as many Sun spells that boost damage as you can. If you cannot train these, buy Monstrous treasure cards from Bazaar and use it to enchant your hits.

  • Go to Bazaar, buy -85% Snow Shield, Pierce, and Darkwind (35%) treasure cards. Those should all be plentiful and inexpensive.
  • Add Snow Shields to self whenever the boss' pips go up.
  • Heal if necessary.
  • Add Stormblade, Elemental Blades, cast Darkwind, add a Feint and a Storm Trap.
  • If Thulkir adds a Tower Shield, remove it with Pierce.
  • Cast Tempest. If Thulkir lives, defeat him with a couple of Krakens.


  • Basically the same strategy.


  • If this is your first time through the game, it's easiest with a partner. He cheats.
  • Make sure you wand-hit Frostbranch as soon as you possibly can. Wand hits are least likely to be affected by Smoke Screen charms circling your head, and will make sure he can't cast Efreet on you later.
  • If Frostbranch casts Earthquake, make sure to wand hit him again.
  • I recommend defeating the death minion as soon as you can, then focusing on Frostbranch.
  • Snow Shield (-85%) will help save your life.
  • Heal if necessary.

Oct 24, 2010
John Hexvault on Nov 14, 2014 wrote:
i am attempting to go through all of wizard101 by only using storm spells. if it is possible, then can someone give me some good guides on defeating these bosses with only storm spells?

1. thulkir battlegloom
2. sulkir
3. frostbranch

i refuse to use anything but storm and astral spells. makes the game more interesting.

~John Hexvault Lvl 58
simply research the bosses...

1. He's Ice. No problem for storm


2. Also Ice...


3. Major cheater and can be pretty difficult. The link below shows ALL his cheats:


All your storm spells are below...make sure you have them all up to your level:


Oct 09, 2011
Lucas Rain on Nov 14, 2014 wrote:
First things first. Is this your first time through the game? (It seems like it might be.) And are you trying to solo these bosses? (Again, it seems like you might be.)

I'll answer your question this way.

Is your primary school Storm? If so, let's have a look at your gear. Make sure you have gear that boosts your Storm damage (looks like a punch followed by a Storm symbol in the bazaar). Those boosts act as a blade, making every storm hit much stronger. You also want Storm accuracy, because fizzling will mean battles take longer, and longer battles mean you're going to lose. As you know, Storm doesn't get much health boost. (However, if your primary school is not Storm, I suggest using your primary school instead. It will be much easier.)

Make sure you have trained Death school up to Feint, or make sure you have Feint treasure cards. Also train as many Sun spells that boost damage as you can. If you cannot train these, buy Monstrous treasure cards from Bazaar and use it to enchant your hits.

  • Go to Bazaar, buy -85% Snow Shield, Pierce, and Darkwind (35%) treasure cards. Those should all be plentiful and inexpensive.
  • Add Snow Shields to self whenever the boss' pips go up.
  • Heal if necessary.
  • Add Stormblade, Elemental Blades, cast Darkwind, add a Feint and a Storm Trap.
  • If Thulkir adds a Tower Shield, remove it with Pierce.
  • Cast Tempest. If Thulkir lives, defeat him with a couple of Krakens.


  • Basically the same strategy.


  • If this is your first time through the game, it's easiest with a partner. He cheats.
  • Make sure you wand-hit Frostbranch as soon as you possibly can. Wand hits are least likely to be affected by Smoke Screen charms circling your head, and will make sure he can't cast Efreet on you later.
  • If Frostbranch casts Earthquake, make sure to wand hit him again.
  • I recommend defeating the death minion as soon as you can, then focusing on Frostbranch.
  • Snow Shield (-85%) will help save your life.
  • Heal if necessary.
I don't think he'll train Death to Feint, because he says he'll only use Storm spells.

Mar 12, 2013
You may have to wait a few levels, if you're interested in a more viable all-purple approach.

You get Healing Current at 75, and Enfeeble at about the same time. These will help immensely

If you are also counting Conviction as one of your astral spells, that is also a must-have for the ice beasties here love to stun.

As for frostbranch, you may need to defeat the minion first to have a chance. You will likely get one good hit off on the minion before you get the Efreet weakness -90. After that, you might find yourself dying and need to return to finish the job multiple times. Keep working on the minion, as he tends to drain and undo all your hard work. Once you have isolated Frostbranch, change your deck to include a number of 2- and 4-pip hits so you're undergoing as few Efreets as possible while whittling him down. And don't forget to pack extra cleanses in your sideboard, so you can find them in a hurry if you need to.

In this one case, I would consider defeat/fleeing part of your strategic approach, rather than just a sign of failure. If you CAN manage to do it without dying or electing to flee, then all the better, but do not discount it as a chance to start fresh with 4 pips and NO efreet weakness.

Aug 20, 2011
lewski on Nov 14, 2014 wrote:
I don't think he'll train Death to Feint, because he says he'll only use Storm spells.
Sure, it's his call ultimately, but if he's a Grandmaster Storm going completely solo and refuses to use *any* off-school spells, including the Pixie heal, he's introducing a severe handicap. And he's probably not going to win the Frostbranch fight.

Yes, a person could conceivably win using his strategy. A person could conceivably win the game blindfolded too, but it's unlikely and why why why would you ever do that?

Jul 06, 2012
Thanks krunkatong. I will try that, but I can't get healing current until I get past sulkir. Then I will get insane bolt which will allow me to get healing current. Btw this isn't my first time in the game I have been playing for about 3 years. Btw does anyone have a good gold farming technique?
John Hexvault Lvl 58 storm master

Dec 26, 2013
John Hexvault on Nov 14, 2014 wrote:
Thanks krunkatong. I will try that, but I can't get healing current until I get past sulkir. Then I will get insane bolt which will allow me to get healing current. Btw this isn't my first time in the game I have been playing for about 3 years. Btw does anyone have a good gold farming technique?
John Hexvault Lvl 58 storm master
One way to earn some relatively quick gold is to farm the Loremaster and sell off the drops. Typical items from her sell for between 700-1800 gold at the Bazaar and you can easily do 4-5 runs in an hour with a chance to get from 0-2 sellable items per run. Plus TC to sell as well. So theoretically you could gain $0 - $18,000 or more gold per hour.

Sep 17, 2012
John Hexvault on Nov 14, 2014 wrote:
Thanks krunkatong. I will try that, but I can't get healing current until I get past sulkir. Then I will get insane bolt which will allow me to get healing current. Btw this isn't my first time in the game I have been playing for about 3 years. Btw does anyone have a good gold farming technique?
John Hexvault Lvl 58 storm master
Farm Halfang Bristlcrown in Vestrilund. He's a Rank 9 Boss, 1925 health with a Minion, 1320 health. He drops valuable items including an amulet that sells for 8000 gold. The money adds up rather quickly.

Aug 20, 2011
John Hexvault on Nov 14, 2014 wrote:
Thanks krunkatong. I will try that, but I can't get healing current until I get past sulkir. Then I will get insane bolt which will allow me to get healing current. Btw this isn't my first time in the game I have been playing for about 3 years. Btw does anyone have a good gold farming technique?
John Hexvault Lvl 58 storm master
If you're soloing as storm in Austrilund, I recommend farming Erling the Unready (Balance boss) or Hod Mindseeker (Balance). Their minions topple easily with a tempest, leaving you to focus on the boss. Decent drops there, double what you get from anybody in Dragonspyre.

If you can access Harek the Lean (Myth boss) in Hrundle Fjord, that's another good one.

Jul 06, 2012
thank you everyone. i actually defeated all three bosses and am now in vestrilund. now i need help with
please help.
once again - only storm and astral spells will i be using.