I recently bought the new Charity Bah Humbug Mount, and I have to say that it's amazing. Every detail makes it seem perfect to me. Except for one thing. When on the mount the viewing angle is way too low. Low enough that it's body makes it too hard to see. Also since i'm used to a slight overview with or without mounts this one in particular makes it feel weird while on it. If the angle is moved up to above it's tail it would make it better. Before making this post I also e-mailed Kinsisle about this problem and asked if the angle could be moved. And just a few minutes after sending it in the middle of playing the viewing angle for me was instantly moved up a little above the tail. That was the perfect view point. But after entering a no mount zone and going back outside the viewing angle went back to it's original position. Hopefully it is moved back up to make it in my opinion the perfect holiday mount.