Can Wizard101 stop being so hard? I understand why some bosses have tons of life, and I understand that it should be at least a little more challenging, but goodness! It's so hard now! I know some battles are meant for groups but... WOW. After I got my membership everything just got harder. It takes me five tries to win a simple battle and my sister to help. I hope other people feel this way. I really get stressed sometimes over this game. And I know it's only going to get harder.
here's the thing it will get harder and harder but if you have the right deck and gear set up you can beat it if you tell me the school your having problems with and your level I can help with some deck and gear set ups
I was about to say I agree... however you're only level 30. I thought you were referring to mostly everything after Dragonspyre, as that is when things really hit you hard. I'm having a lot of trouble at Azteca when bosses have over 20,000 hp and minions have almost 5000 and here I am with almost 3000 fighting them. I end up being a punching bag for their endless barrage of attacks that crit more often than I can withstand.
Marleybone/Grizzlehiem isn't that tough you know. It's a rather bumpy start from the beginning but as you progress it gets easier. Make sure you're always buying the best gear for your level at the Bazaar that will benefit you the most, and make sure you use your training points wisely and not just for attacks. Make sure your deck is properly set up as well.
Can Wizard101 stop being so hard? I understand why some bosses have tons of life, and I understand that it should be at least a little more challenging, but goodness! It's so hard now! I know some battles are meant for groups but... WOW. After I got my membership everything just got harder. It takes me five tries to win a simple battle and my sister to help. I hope other people feel this way. I really get stressed sometimes over this game. And I know it's only going to get harder.
Kestrel JadeSong - Level 30
It's not really hard at that level unless you're underleveled for the world you're in. You should also have the best gear for your level available in the bazaar and the right deck setup for every battle.
It just takes a little practice to find the best way to beat the tough bosses. On tough bosses with tons of health, I use 70% Feint, 75% Feint, 80% feint with the help of Potent trap. Also a couple blades. I can usually kill the bosses in one hit.