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Game Breaking Talents

A+ Student
Mar 02, 2010
Before, pet talents used to give small non-overpowered effects such as Spritely. Later on we've received team spells such as Unicorn and Batusi, both some pretty well balanced talents. But recently, we've received talents that hold out a wizard on their own. Specifically Charm Chopper and Ward Wrecker.

In my opinion, I believe that these talents shouldn't have existed, and are talents on a tier of their own. What each of these talents does is remove the entirety of a substance their opponent casts, leaving them extremely vulnerable in each situation. For example, Charm Chopper closes out any blade stacker's ability to take out their opponent. Specifically Ice in the mid-level range. For Ward Wrecker, anybody who does not have Charm Chopper or capable of removing self traps is guaranteed a loss, as they can't defend themselves from stacking. I personally think that talents like these shouldn't be available in PvP, and I believe that "No PvP" talents should become a new thing. It isn't unfair, since selfish talents are already no PvP, and we've already seen some very rare hoard pack items become No PvP because they were game breaking in a specific level range.

Apr 08, 2015
I agreed, even if Charm Chopping, Ward Wrecking pets (looking at you Piranha Hunter) are rare, a patient player, may be able to breed, say, a pet with Unicorn, Batusi, Cham Chopper, and Ward Wrecking. These talents are very unfair indeed, at any level range.

Aug 28, 2010
I agree with this posting, they should be changed to No PvP as soon as possible.
I can see no reason at all why they have not been changed to no PvP yet, based on
other spells that have already been changed to no PvP. At levels 50 and below, I
consider them very unfair.

May 03, 2015
mc efeeble and fairy need to be removed. those are my 2 biggest concerns