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Housing Item Count not increased after upgrade.

May 31, 2013
Housing Item Count still at 250.


The base item limit in houses was not changed. You may purchase two Bric-a-Brac elixirs to increase the item limit to 350.

Mar 18, 2009
Ironhammer316 on Jul 15, 2015 wrote:
Housing Item Count still at 250.
The update was that now you can choose to purchase an increase up to the 350...not an automatic grant of 350.

Jan 30, 2015
In the July Update Notes it mentions that the maximum number of items in an area of a house has been increased to 350, but none of my houses have changed.

I have
Red Barn Farm
Wyrd House
Royal Playhouse

The Notes don't specify whether the change applied to all houses (which is how I read it) or only to some of the larger houses...So I'm wondering if anyone else has seen the same thing?

Marcus Ghostsong

Aug 04, 2014
The update notes should be changed then. The update notes read as if the base housing limit is 350 and you can also buy a bric-brac elixir to raise it even more. It should be changed to bric-brac elixirs now increase the housing item limit to 350. Note that you must buy a bric-brac elixir to raise the item limit.

-Samantha Willowdreamer Lvl 100

-Samantha Ashbane Lvl 64

May 31, 2013
That update post is misleading and I am sure there are a lot of disappointed wizards out here.

May 31, 2013
I went back and read the upgrade notes. Here is what it says...

  • "Happy news, housing decorators! The maximum number of items in an area of a house has been increased to 350. You can purchase an additional Bric-a-Brac Elixir to raise the item limit in your house."

I understand it as the house max has been increased to 350 and you can purchase an additional elixir to raise the item limit to 400.

Jan 30, 2015
SamanthaWillowdrea... on Jul 16, 2015 wrote:
The update notes should be changed then. The update notes read as if the base housing limit is 350 and you can also buy a bric-brac elixir to raise it even more. It should be changed to bric-brac elixirs now increase the housing item limit to 350. Note that you must buy a bric-brac elixir to raise the item limit.

-Samantha Willowdreamer Lvl 100

-Samantha Ashbane Lvl 64
I think this would clarify a lot. Thanks Samantha!