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Master Artisan Impossible

Apr 25, 2011
I have been doing this quest for a year to become a master artisan, only to be rejected. What that means is that it says for me to talk to him, but won't let me talk. Is this a problem because I quick sold my rings before I talked to him, or is that not supposed to happen. A whole year wasted!

Mar 27, 2011
If you sold the items you were supposed to turn in, you'll have to make them again. You have to bring the crafted items back to the NPC who gave you the quest to get credit. All the crafting quests work like that.

Jan 27, 2012
Yes, quickselling your rings is a problem.
You are supposed to keep your crafted item(s) in your backpack while you talk to the person, then once you no longer have the quest for that particular item you can do as you please.

And just so you know, after the rings you also have to craft a robe and a bookshelf before being awarded the master artisan status.

And one final thing, if master artisan took an entire year, you may never get legendary artisan. It is ridiculously hard to finish, as you need a total of 64 fossil, 18 sunstone, and a bunch of aether (Im not sure of the exact amount). All of which are expensive and somewhat rare.

So good luck, and enjoy!

Oct 09, 2011
You must have the items with you when you turn in the quest.

Mar 13, 2010
rowynOB on Jul 23, 2015 wrote:
I have been doing this quest for a year to become a master artisan, only to be rejected. What that means is that it says for me to talk to him, but won't let me talk. Is this a problem because I quick sold my rings before I talked to him, or is that not supposed to happen. A whole year wasted!
Yes, its because you sold the rings. For every quest, you need to have the crafted items in your Backpack when you turn in the quest.