I did waterworks with 4 people up until the last boss everyone left and it was up to me, a level 62 life, to solo the last boss. I managed to defeat the bosses using treasure cards and healing like never before. The whole fight took me around 30 minutes to finish and 150 mana. When it was over, I did not get the gear I was looking for( legendary life robes). Happened to anypne before?
Despite your epic solo (geez I Can't believe you did it!! Congrats!!!!!!) it's still all chance to whether you get a piece of the gear or not. If it makes you feel any better I've done waterworks like 5 times on my balance wizard and still have not gotten the robe. Good luck in future runs
Not so much everybody fleeing. That only happened twice.
Not getting the gear? Happened most of the time. Seems kind of coincidental. Most people I've ever talked to have the most problems getting gear for their Life wizards, myself included. Most of my wizards eventually wound up getting all of their Waterworks gear except for Life. That's not to say I always got the gear for other wizards every time I did a run, just Life is the school I had the least rewarding experiences with.
One of my death wizards seemed to be the luckiest. I got the hat the very first time I took on Luska, and completed the entire set within 3 runs. Couldn't believe the fortune I had with that one.
However eventually I got tired of farming for the pieces I was missing for other wizards and just quit trying. I have too many other things that I need to get done.
I did waterworks with 4 people up until the last boss everyone left and it was up to me, a level 62 life, to solo the last boss. I managed to defeat the bosses using treasure cards and healing like never before. The whole fight took me around 30 minutes to finish and 150 mana. When it was over, I did not get the gear I was looking for( legendary life robes). Happened to anypne before?
sadly, getting no drops after a long, cheaty instance is a thing. (get used to it, op, because it's all downhill from here)
on the other hand, congrats on your epic solo!
i was in a similar situation recently, except that i had 2 wizards in waterworks (i sometimes run 2 accounts, so i technically soloed it, lol); the others on my team bailed after luska, so i had to finish the thing myself... on an ice/myth team (meaning that none of them could heal efficiently).
after an hour-ish of shameless tc abuse and passing in order to save pips for reshuffle, i eventually made it out of there in one piece. my ice wizard got her robe, and myth (who actually landed the kill-shot) got nothing; the opposite was true of my second run, during which myth got his robe and ice killed the boss but got nothing for her efforts.
if you use team up, we may cross paths eventually (in which case you'll have one or, perhaps, 2 teammates who won't quit on you). in the meantime, keep being awesome :)