I am here to talk about AFK people spinning the are spinning for like 1-4 hours there should be a way to some how get them to the home page dont you agree
I am here to talk about AFK people spinning the are spinning for like 1-4 hours there should be a way to some how get them to the home page dont you agree
- Kyle Dark Forge lvl 36
no I do not agree personally I think you should not watch them and go about your own way in the game lol thanx tho :)
"Spinning" is a tactic people use when they are going to be away from keyboard but don't want to get disconnected for being inactive.
I myself do so when I am rejoining the game after a long hiatus and I have just reinstalled- I'll have it on the whole night, usually in the most populated server, in the Wizard City Commons.
Why? Because that way the game patches and downloads the styles and mounts etc. of all the players who pass by. There's no option to manually patch the game via the launcher.
It helps makes gameplay smoother when I finally do start playing by reducing the amount of background updates.
That's just me though, some people are just going to be gone for longer than would normally be allowed because they need to bathe or do the dishes or something and don't want to have to relog everytime they go away for a bit.
I am here to talk about AFK people spinning the are spinning for like 1-4 hours there should be a way to some how get them to the home page dont you agree
- Kyle Dark Forge lvl 36
I'm ashamed of the fact you find people whom are afk are a distraction. Honestly stuff happens and sometimes we need to leave for a few minutes and so we spin so we won't disconnect from the game. It seems rather frivolous that you'd want to kick them from the game for being afk.
I'm ashamed of the fact you find people whom are afk are a distraction. Honestly stuff happens and sometimes we need to leave for a few minutes and so we spin so we won't disconnect from the game. It seems rather frivolous that you'd want to kick them from the game for being afk.
I'm ashamed of the fact you find people whom are afk are a distraction. Honestly stuff happens and sometimes we need to leave for a few minutes and so we spin so we won't disconnect from the game. It seems rather frivolous that you'd want to kick them from the game for being afk.
Sarah UnicornFlower
Master Of Ice
I agree that you should be able to be Afk but however you shouldn't be spinning wasting w101 bandwidth for many hours at a time. Believe it or not there are potentially hundreds of people spinning On the game in which that valuable Bandwidth Could be spent On an active player who is Actively trying to quest or Participate In the game. Maybe Kingsisle has Extreme resources In this re-guard I have no idea. Wonder if Greyrose will Ping in here with a reply?
It's astonishing that someone actually finds spinning offensive when there are so many legitimate issues to get upset about. As far as spinners taking up bandwidth... no more so than the vast numbers of kibitzers who hang around on their giant mounts by the Commons Pond trying to make dates... or the hundreds of professional "beggars" whose sole purpose seems to be asking for hand-outs instead of actually playing the game. My sentiments are in tune with those of AmberRavenSong.... mind your own beeswax! If they really bug you that much, change realms.
Ok, I am on both sides here. The spinning is a useful tactic. I agree if you are leaving to eat or shower, it's useful, I hate reloading all the time. It takes a while. If you are wondering how you do that, hold down control, press d or a, then let go. Anyway, the reason I am also on HIS side because of what the other guy said, staying on for a while just faking is bad for the realm if there are enough people doing it, and leaving the game on can overheat or computer and be bad for it. Just putting this out there.
Ok, I am on both sides here. The spinning is a useful tactic. I agree if you are leaving to eat or shower, it's useful, I hate reloading all the time. It takes a while. If you are wondering how you do that, hold down control, press d or a, then let go. Anyway, the reason I am also on HIS side because of what the other guy said, staying on for a while just faking is bad for the realm if there are enough people doing it, and leaving the game on can overheat or computer and be bad for it. Just putting this out there.
Carlos StarBreaker Level 50
If your computer overheats from idle spinning you need a new computer. Turning off your computer does more damage than leaving it on forever does. Computers are made to be left on. As for bandwidth, it's minute. If a realm is full, change realms. There are far more people "wasting" bandwidth and filling realms by hanging out in the commons looking for a boy/girl friend or begging for crown items or cards.
I'd rather they spent their time and my money or things worthwhile, like improving the content, fixing bugs, and putting out new content. What's next, the manners police for people who use harsh words? Of course, there is a SIMPLE fix for that, but that's another topic. If spinning people REALLY bothers you that much, then your problems are bigger than what the developers can fix. I dont say that to be mean, but if the spinning bothers you that much, maybe it's time for you to leave the spiral, or find a way to not take things so personally. *shrugs*
If wiz really had an issue with it they would have removed our ability to spin long ago. So why judge others? If it bothers you then don't pay attention to them
I think spinning should be allowed and kept because it is useful at times like others have said bathroom, dishes, people unexpected at the door, small emergencies and even kids (yes some of us that play have them), however that said I also think it should be limited to 30 min. Anything that will take you longer than that to do, you should log off.
I don't find the spinning afk thing an issue in any way, it's been apart of wizard101 since the beginning. They would of done something about it if it was an issue.
I think spinning should be allowed and kept because it is useful at times like others have said bathroom, dishes, people unexpected at the door, small emergencies and even kids (yes some of us that play have them), however that said I also think it should be limited to 30 min. Anything that will take you longer than that to do, you should log off.
Not at all. I solo a lot, I leave my wizard spinning while part way through dungeons very often to run an errand or take a break to eat dinner. Why should I lose my progress and have to start over for something that has absolutely no effect on anyone else? Sometimes a final boss can take many, many tries and you need a break. I shouldn't be forced to redo everything just because I need to step away for a while.
I am here to talk about AFK people spinning the are spinning for like 1-4 hours there should be a way to some how get them to the home page dont you agree
- Kyle Dark Forge lvl 36
i hate this idea
ok here my points and why read threw all of it or don't rp
after about 5 or so mints you get log off unless your in a battle or in pvp witch is helpful but not that helpful at the same thing because if you have to go to the bath room it takes you 1mint to get there then 2 or 3 mints to use the bathroom then another 1mint to walk back but wait your mom or dad calls or someone calls the house now you get up and your over your time limit Now what do you do you chose to spin so you don't have to re-log because logging in will take about 6 to 10 mints with bad internet and lets faces it not all players have the best internet also this has been around for awhile and cpu use it that they have place threw out the game to mintier are actively haven't you ever wonder why there are sometimes players spinning in your house that you can't send away and never comes back from afk but as soon as you say something not aloud in the game you get reported in your own home then as soon as your leave then come back that afk person is gone so i think kingly made it for players who can't always be right next to there lab a top and to keep there Monti in the game without it looking like there watching you soi they can blend in and see all of our misbehavior so it useful to both sides and i think that you are complaining about nothing this dose not need to be fix because it not a glitch and nobody time being wasted because it helping players stay in the game when there doing quest and can't jump into a battle right away or hanging with there friends and chating or even at a party being thrown by the best buddy.
"Spinning" is a tactic people use when they are going to be away from keyboard but don't want to get disconnected for being inactive.
I myself do so when I am rejoining the game after a long hiatus and I have just reinstalled- I'll have it on the whole night, usually in the most populated server, in the Wizard City Commons.
Why? Because that way the game patches and downloads the styles and mounts etc. of all the players who pass by. There's no option to manually patch the game via the launcher.
It helps makes gameplay smoother when I finally do start playing by reducing the amount of background updates.
That's just me though, some people are just going to be gone for longer than would normally be allowed because they need to bathe or do the dishes or something and don't want to have to relog everytime they go away for a bit.
Just to point this out, but it's not 'patching' as that implies fixing something that is broken. It's more like caching a list of missing content and downloading it.
I agree that it would be nice if there was an option to selectively download content instead of it being done 'on the fly' since it's faster to download fewer large packs than it is to download multiple smaller chunks. Of course, such an option would be best in the launcher vs in-game, since while in-game, the priority should be on game play and not downloading content. So, in the launcher, option to download game content and then click on a package to download or click to download everything. Packages could be separated into worlds (all and individual worlds), houses, clothing, pets, mounts, etc. Someone who only plays in WC could download WC (instead of all the worlds) and if they like to do the castle tours, they could download all the houses. Then their game play would be much faster instead of waiting for everything to download in-game.
I am here to talk about AFK people spinning the are spinning for like 1-4 hours there should be a way to some how get them to the home page dont you agree
- Kyle Dark Forge lvl 36
Forgot to cover this in my last post.
The only thing I have against people using this to idle for long periods of time is that it puts a bit of a load on the game servers. Would be nice to have an option to mark yourself as being away and the game would then put up a timer for when the player has to return before getting disconnected (where as, just stepping away without using the option would work per usual). Say, an hour, where to stop the timer, the user has to have returned. Could even auto respond to other players to say that the person is marked as being away and in-game could have a little "AFK" bubble above their head or perhaps just 'invisible' to other players completely, then when returning, be placed right back where they were (including the same realm). Could reduce load on the servers while keeping players happy about not having to sign back in.