Is anyone else getting frustrated at the rates people are just leaving dungeons part way through Especially through team up I don't understand why they'd join, simply to leave If they are farming up to a certain place people usually let us know, which is fair enough but just to randomly go half way through without letting anyone know, which leaves others to try to beat it with less players or to re-start all over again... it really bugs me, especially when i'm on a time limit and some dungeons are pretty long
Another note is when people enter through team up and immediately walk out, what is that about
its mostly people who don't have the time for the battle yes i agree its annoying but nothing you really can do about it other then accpect it and move on.
Is anyone else getting frustrated at the rates people are just leaving dungeons part way through Especially through team up I don't understand why they'd join, simply to leave If they are farming up to a certain place people usually let us know, which is fair enough but just to randomly go half way through without letting anyone know, which leaves others to try to beat it with less players or to re-start all over again... it really bugs me, especially when i'm on a time limit and some dungeons are pretty long
Another note is when people enter through team up and immediately walk out, what is that about
-Tatiana Darkblade; 110; Myth
Same with me.
Once, it was an emergency and I learned right that second I had to leave right away.
Other than that, I truly agree, because it gets very annoying very quickly.
I think it's very annoying. It happens all the time in darkmoor. I only leave because I can't control it, like if my laptop restarts. If you know you MIGHT have to go and know that you may get called by a parent. Then don't go in. It's to risky, and you just disappoint everyone. I think if you leave or flee and don't come back, you should have to wait a while longer. I know I sound kinda mean. Just many people seem to not care or have a concern for who else is in there.
Same here once we were a full crew in brisk breeze tower and suddenly half the crew was gone we died and didn't go back for a while since it was at the kiosk outside the bazaar. what would be nice is letting people know what levels are recommended for the kiosk dungeons so you don't get 20th levels trying to do brisk breeze or some of the other tough ones that may cause them to leave once they realize what they're up against.
Is anyone else getting frustrated at the rates people are just leaving dungeons part way through Especially through team up I don't understand why they'd join, simply to leave If they are farming up to a certain place people usually let us know, which is fair enough but just to randomly go half way through without letting anyone know, which leaves others to try to beat it with less players or to re-start all over again... it really bugs me, especially when i'm on a time limit and some dungeons are pretty long
Another note is when people enter through team up and immediately walk out, what is that about
-Tatiana Darkblade; 110; Myth
been there; i understand that there are emergency situations and inevitabilities (ie: power outages, a family member is sick or injured, the dreaded windows update)... but those are the exception, not the rule.
it's more likely that the person who quits simply has better things to do or most likely just didn't have enough time. whether they didn't set enough time aside or didn't expect it to take quite so long and legit had to go, it's still a pain for everyone else. but that's no one's fault, other than ki's (for making the instance take 4+ hours for an inexperienced team).