Stitching: Can be dangerous to override the Original Crown Gear.
Example: ↓
A Gold Gear (Example Your Favorite Costume Gear) Stitched with A Better Stats Crown Gear. When you Overridethe Crown Gear again with another Gold or CrownGear. You will loose Forever the Stitched Crown Gear. You have to buy that piece of Gear again(It can be a rare drop from a Bought $ Pack or a Gear out of a House Bundle. (Hat Robe Boots, Wand. One costume) Wast of Crowns and Lost of OriginalCrown Item. Forever gone
Prevent us from override the Original Crown Gear. Move the Bought $ Crown Gear to the Back Pack or Bank. So we keep our Real Money $ Bought Gear.
Mark the Stitched Gear with a S-Symbol (S = Stitched) or something in our Back Pack. Same as the Back Pack Locker and C Crown Symbol.
Prevent us from Stitch Overriding Original Crown Gear.
Re: Prevent Stitching from lost Original Crown Gear.
Nicholas Hawkspear on Aug 24, 2016 wrote:
Or you could just be mindful of what you're doing. Also, there's a thing called "Un-Stitching".
I am talking about Overriding CROWNgear preventing us from the lost of them. Sure i have see Un-Stitching. I have been to school too, you know, Preventing us by mistaking overriding stitching value gear together.
Re: Prevent Stitching from lost Original Crown Gear.
I think locking gear should also make it not possible to over ride the crown gear. If someone were to want the crown gear look then they could just unlock the crown gear.
Re: Prevent Stitching from lost Original Crown Gear.
frostednutella on Aug 28, 2016 wrote:
I think locking gear should also make it not possible to over ride the crown gear. If someone were to want the crown gear look then they could just unlock the crown gear.
Locking the Crown Gear doesn't prevent us for overriding the bought Crown Gear.
Stitching Gear together doesn't prevent us too for overriding the bought Crown Gear.
We need to un-stitch it first, than, you can Stitch the Gear together like you want, without a lost.
You like the Fire Hat(The Look) Stitch it with a Crown Gear Storm Hat (Best Stats).
When you stitch the Fire Hat (The Look) with a Gear Death again,(Without un-stitch the Storm Hat, the Death Hat it override the Crown Gear Storm Hat ( You will loose the Crown Gear Storm Hat, forever
Prevent us from Overriding Bought Crown Gear. (Waste and Lost of Crowns, Waste and Lost from original Gear)
Re: Prevent Stitching from lost Original Crown Gear.
ArmandSecret on Aug 29, 2016 wrote:
What is confusing you? What is that you do not get?
What's confusing you? If it asks you to override, there's clearly something to override so STOP. You cannot accidentally override it. It clearly asks you if you want to override it. The question is already there to prevent you from losing things. If you choose to ignore it, it's not the game's job to protect you from your own foolishness.
Re: Prevent Stitching from lost Original Crown Gear.
seethe42 on Aug 29, 2016 wrote:
What's confusing you? If it asks you to override, there's clearly something to override so STOP. You cannot accidentally override it. It clearly asks you if you want to override it. The question is already there to prevent you from losing things. If you choose to ignore it, it's not the game's job to protect you from your own foolishness.
Re: Prevent Stitching from lost Original Crown Gear.
seethe42 on Aug 29, 2016 wrote:
What's confusing you? If it asks you to override, there's clearly something to override so STOP. You cannot accidentally override it. It clearly asks you if you want to override it. The question is already there to prevent you from losing things. If you choose to ignore it, it's not the game's job to protect you from your own foolishness.
Are you accusing me For just a question to the WIZARD crew, to prevent us from loosing things. Well when you loose things in WIZARD game, well do not come to us to whine about it.
Re: Prevent Stitching from lost Original Crown Gear.
ArmandSecret on Aug 31, 2016 wrote:
Are you accusing me For just a question to the WIZARD crew, to prevent us from loosing things. Well when you loose things in WIZARD game, well do not come to us to whine about it.
I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm merely stating that the game already warns you. You have to actively CHOOSE to override. You cannot lose anything by accident. You have to click to override it and THEN you agreed to it. If you get the override message, stop and think about it because it's warning you.