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Aug 10, 2009
So, today I was farming Loremaster. A guy wanted to friend me after the battle was ended. I told 'him sorry, but it is a family rule i can't accept friend requests from people i don't know in real life'....
This normally stops people from asking again.. but he went on and when he saw i wasn't going to budge on accepting a friend request he started giving me the sob story.. When he saw THAT wasnt going to work he said "I should just let the depression kill me"

This really bothered me.. That is a very bad way of bullying someone to make you friend request them.. I wish there was a way to report someone that is threatening suicide because you wont friend them...

Oct 29, 2011
First, make sure that your friend request option is off and second, don't let those people bother you. Ignore them if it gets overbearing. These kinds of people are liars and do anything for attention. You wouldn't want to be friends with that kind of person anyways. What they say is not true and no one would be hurt that bad because of someone not friending them on a virtual game. Don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong.

Oct 29, 2011
Also, if this is really annoying you then you can always report the person. Obviously you won't see this person in game anymore but if it ever happens in the future, reporting is always an option.

Sep 07, 2012
Some people are just bully's, DO NOT let them guilt you into anything. This is supposed to be fun, laugh and enjoy it.

Nov 05, 2010
Probably trolling after he found out you can't accept friend requests