I can not progress on my level 96 pyromancer anymore due to the 7 or so page of side quests of obtained over the years of playing this character. KI said they'd never add a function to delete quests so they dont have to deal with the customer support side of thing, but where's the harm in being able to sort the quests by world or sort them by main/side quest
I would love some way to do this also. I usually complete the side quests, but we have so many dungeons now that I am behind on those. Plus there is usually a Grizzleheim questline going along with the main world. Even if there were just two categories, active and saved quests, it would be extremely helpful.
Love this idea. There were some early quests I nkew I'd need to level up a lot before I tried. Or before I could finish them. I predict there will be others like that in the future of my game playing.
I'd love to be able to sort those into a pocket in the binder, out of sight. I wouldn't forget they are there. I'd love to sort by world/realm and I'd love to be able to sort by date acquired and I'd love to be able to sort by street or by monster or by difficulty (health of monsters/minions) and I'd love to be able to sort by type of drops promised (spell, pet, card, etc.) Sorting by quests with and without an arrow would also be very handy.
Right now I have to page back and forth trying to find "now what did I need to do here?"
this gets mentioned a lot, and while some of these are old, the general thought is the sorting could be better. The approach I think most people would like to see is a combination of tabs for world, then subtabs for storyline, sidequest, and tasks. Click the links to see just a few threads
I would like to see a bank for quests. So you could put all the quests that you dont need to do in a safe spot and out of the way of other important quests. On my storm char I have heaps of not finished side quests in other worlds. Whenever I go to check what quest im on I have to go through like five pages just to see what i get from the quest. So I think KI should add a bank for quests or add a section to the normal bank for adding quests.
Players have been begging for some way to deal with excessive quests in their logs since the first release of Wizard101, and it hasn't happened yet. Still, it's not beyond hope, Kingsisle has given us some other nice tools, most notably the team up function.
Experienced players will tell you the best way to deal with this is don't accumulate a zillion quests in the first place. I personally rarely ever have more than two pages of quests in my log, and never more than three. Simply don't accept new quests until you finish the old ones.
Handy hint: mainline quests CAN be turned down, even though they don't give you a decline button. When you get to the last dialog box where it just says accept, click escape and go back to your character selection screen without closing the dialog box. When you reenter the game the dialog box will be closed but you won't have the quest. The only problem with this is since it was a mainline quest you WILL have to do it eventually, and may have trouble remembering where to find the right NPC to start it later. Doing this does give you one less quest cluttering up your log, though.
That said, I'd love to see some sorting functions implemented in the quest log.
I would prefer if either quests we cannot do yet have a symbol on the icon or are another color text or something - anything - so we can stop forgetting and trying to do those...Lol. Sometimes the only way to see if it is activated yet is to go try again.
As a new player it was quite confusing why an arrow (sometimes) led me somewhere and then there was nothing to do there. Only when the quest opened was I able to activate or use what was necessary - til tehn it wasn't even always apparent what I was missing.
That might be best to have whether or not we can sort things in our book. If I put it in a separate folder or tab or whatever, I still wouldn't know what I had to do to activate it or whether I'd already done so and not realized it yet.
If I hadn't googled it and read old topics here, I would have never known I had to completely finish Krokotopia before I'd get Marleybone. And I had to get Marleybone and go well into quests there before I finally got my minion from the schoolmaster. I'm still unsure which quest I finished that led to that since I usually skip around.