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Where Was Your Wizard Born in, and Why?

Dec 12, 2012
Hey guys!
Before you immediately reply to this message, there's a few rules.
1. Say what world in the spiral you were born in and why.
2. No made up worlds.
3. Read all of mine before you do yours, so you can have an idea what to do
4. What role your wizard has in the spiral
5. Make a storyline!
6. Have fun!

Katie LifeSword
Katie was born in Wizard City, in Merle Ambrose's house because she was his daughter. Sadly, her mother passed away, by a sacrafice to save her. From now on, Katie has been fighting the forces of evil all over the spiral to avenge her mother's death.
Brianna was born in Avalon, in the Ghost of Avalon. Brianna is known as "The Ghost Wizard" as she was born ghost, and can transform into a human. Daughter of Morganthe, Brianna trys from this day to kill the daughter of Ambrose.
Scarlet DragonBreath
Scarlet was born in Dragonspyre, in the Grand Chasm. She hated all of the monsters, and spiders that got on her clothes. She was born from Sylvia Drake, wife of Malastaire. Even if Scarlet was born evil, she ran away from Dragonspyre and went into Wizard City, enrolling as a pyromancer. Nobody knows why she left. Nobody knows how she managed to escape. Nobody knows why she's good now. Is she even good? Could be a spy.
Isabella WaterRider
Isabella was born in Avalon, born royal. She is the daughter of King Aurtorius, who sadly watched her father suffer. She is now the queen of Avalon, at a young age of 21. She is known for being a brilliant commander in High Road.

Sep 17, 2012