The other day I did the Krampus dungeon and used my gold key. I got nothing when I finished the battle. Please fix this bug since it takes keys and those are not so easy to come by. And Krampus did not respawn like I heard is possible. (those ginger bread minions are awesome btw)
I'm sorry, but drops are random. You may get the best drops ever, you may get just a few reagents, and you may also get nothing. I have gotten not a single drops time after time in the past, did it again and got a few reagents or pet snacks. May next time you try it you'll get something really good.
The other day I did the Krampus dungeon and used my gold key. I got nothing when I finished the battle. Please fix this bug since it takes keys and those are not so easy to come by. And Krampus did not respawn like I heard is possible. (those ginger bread minions are awesome btw)
It would be great if the Krampus key got the winners in battle something they can't get any other way.
Maybe a beige (wooden), silver or white (stone), and gold T shirt saying "I beat Krampus and all I got was this lousy T shirt." Kidding!
We beat the 30,000 health one and got a coal reagent.
Unless you want the krampus wand for stitching, this boss drops nothing of value, so do not bother. Myself I have over 100 gold keys I was hoping to finally be rid of but gave up farming when I saw the poor drops.