I cant seem to find these anywhere but does anyone know where i can find out what each of the history books (WC,MB,MS,DS) the runestones (GR,WT) the papers (Wysteria) and the Tomes (CL) said as i skipped them the first time round i think it would be fun to reread them. Thanks if you know where to find.
Also maybe be able to have a book stand housing item like the music player that you can put a scroll (which you would get at the end of each history book quest) in and see/read the lore behind the worlds. what do you guys think.
The history books are usually in the dungeon behind a boss. In most cases you have to defeat the boss to get to the book. Occasionally you can sneak around the boss carefully hugging the wall. Try goggling it and someone usually has posted a listing of the places. Dame goes for Zeke's quests. Good luck.
I cant seem to find these anywhere but does anyone know where i can find out what each of the history books (WC,MB,MS,DS) the runestones (GR,WT) the papers (Wysteria) and the Tomes (CL) said as i skipped them the first time round i think it would be fun to reread them. Thanks if you know where to find.
Also maybe be able to have a book stand housing item like the music player that you can put a scroll (which you would get at the end of each history book quest) in and see/read the lore behind the worlds. what do you guys think.
P.s. i'm only at CL so didnt mention past that.
Ryan WindHunter LVL 62
Here some links to one of the fansites that shows where the books are located for the quests:
you miss understand me i know where they are and i have found all but CL and wintertusk but i would like to be able to read them again as they have cool lore behind some of the worlds so thats why i suggested the lore bookstand