As I was playing though this particular telegraph box, something stuck out to me in the storyline as being odd. I know Gamma is trying to recruit a new death professor after Malistaire's departure and winds up hiring Dworgyn, but how is this possible? If Malistaire dropped the Death school into Nightside when he left, then how could Dworgyn have possibly been in the fallen school with no idea what had happened? Wouldn't he have been hired after the death school fell, and thus be unable to even get inside?
Is this an oversight, or am I missing something important that might explain this? It has been a while since I've played through Wizard City's main quests after all.
Malistaire had already departed Ravenwood as of your wizard's introduction. His return during your introduction includes his assault on Wizard City itself, and the disappearance of the school.
Hmm I never considered this. It does seem to be a plot hole. You're right. If Dworgyn was being cinsidered to fill the spot of the missing Malistaire he wouldn't have already been in the school when it was dropped. I'm not sure but I fell like it was stated that Dworgyn was Malistaire's assistant.