So ever since i got to Polaris i've been laggin badly and its not just in that world its everywhere i've tried turning down my quality and it makes it worse. i havent done anything different just accessed that world. What happened?
In all honesty, I'd place my best bet is that your device / program is still adjusting to the new graphics, mechanics, etc. Polaris has notably more consistent and flowing graphics compared to many other worlds, so it might be just that your device will need a little bit of time getting the hand of things.
In all honesty, I'd place my best bet is that your device / program is still adjusting to the new graphics, mechanics, etc. Polaris has notably more consistent and flowing graphics compared to many other worlds, so it might be just that your device will need a little bit of time getting the hand of things.
Problem is its been almost 2 weeks since i got into polaris and this is still happening everywhere in the spiral.
Problem is its been almost 2 weeks since i got into polaris and this is still happening everywhere in the spiral.
Maybe there's not enough storage space on your device? If that would be the case it would most likely cause Polaris and the other worlds to buffer constantly. I'd also recommend checking your internet connection continuously, pc health, etc. If your entire game is lagging, I doubt its a issue on KI's part.
If none of these work, try contacting KI's support email address: - they have great and friendly service :')) They usually know how to assist with most issues.
It's the game. Plain and simple. Ever since Polaris came out certain parts or certain areas of the game have become extremely laggy.
It started with Polaris when you could hardly move at all. Then they 'fixed' the lag. Well, it still lagged, and now that they have added Mirage, it's worse (and it's very 'sticky' in Mirage). Now I'm seeing the sticking/lag in other parts of the Spiral.
It's not necessarily your computer that's the problem.
I have a newer high-end gaming computer and I still have this issue. It's not my computer. No way.
Until KI realizes they need to fix these issues, it's going to remain a problem until it's dying days.
It's the game. Plain and simple. Ever since Polaris came out certain parts or certain areas of the game have become extremely laggy.
It started with Polaris when you could hardly move at all. Then they 'fixed' the lag. Well, it still lagged, and now that they have added Mirage, it's worse (and it's very 'sticky' in Mirage). Now I'm seeing the sticking/lag in other parts of the Spiral.
It's not necessarily your computer that's the problem.
I have a newer high-end gaming computer and I still have this issue. It's not my computer. No way.
Until KI realizes they need to fix these issues, it's going to remain a problem until it's dying days.
Agreed; I, too, have new high speed equipment and am still having terrible lagging in Polaris - this particular world has not seemed to improve since its release.