I just went to one of the Castle Tours thing, and I was exploring this neat house. There was a brazier inside, and when I interacted with it, it summoned either a heckhound, triton, or ice colossus depending on the color of the flame. I just recently returned from my wiz break and just wanted to know. How does this work? It's a really interesting addition, nonetheless. There was also a thing where if you jumped, it summoned the satyr spell animation.
I just went to one of the Castle Tours thing, and I was exploring this neat house. There was a brazier inside, and when I interacted with it, it summoned either a heckhound, triton, or ice colossus depending on the color of the flame. I just recently returned from my wiz break and just wanted to know. How does this work? It's a really interesting addition, nonetheless. There was also a thing where if you jumped, it summoned the satyr spell animation.
You experienced Housing Magic - to get your introduction to this fun part of decorating, visit Marleybone and talk to the dog outside the museum ( I forget his name. )
I just went to one of the Castle Tours thing, and I was exploring this neat house. There was a brazier inside, and when I interacted with it, it summoned either a heckhound, triton, or ice colossus depending on the color of the flame. I just recently returned from my wiz break and just wanted to know. How does this work? It's a really interesting addition, nonetheless. There was also a thing where if you jumped, it summoned the satyr spell animation.
I just went to one of the Castle Tours thing, and I was exploring this neat house. There was a brazier inside, and when I interacted with it, it summoned either a heckhound, triton, or ice colossus depending on the color of the flame. I just recently returned from my wiz break and just wanted to know. How does this work? It's a really interesting addition, nonetheless. There was also a thing where if you jumped, it summoned the satyr spell animation.
That is castle magic. You can find the spells and everything in Marleybone. There is a guy named Baggage Basset. He has everything you need for Castle Magic. Here is a link for a guide for him: http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Basic:Castle_Magic I hope I helped! If not, let me know and maybe we can meet up and I can show you. -Alia SparkleGrove