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Indemnity on Dispels

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Jun 26, 2009
I agree with you that we should be able to enchant dispels with indemnity but (Everything before 'but' doesn't matter), even though dispels are charms that have a negative effect, they aren't considered negative charms.

Negative Charms are cast on your enemies for a penalty. They are: Weakness, Infection and Black Mantle.

"These spells increase or decrease the overall damage, healing, or accuracy of either an incoming or outgoing spell by a certain percentage. These usually cost 0 pips and are consumed after use.".

Source: Wiki - Basic Spell Types

Dec 31, 2009
If you look at the card indemnity is to protect positive charms, dispel is neither!

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
That simply is not true. Had you said, they don't want to allow indemnity because it would unbalance the game or something (which I believe is the reason, unless it was an oversight (which I doubt). They are still classified as negative charms. Although, they are not explicitly mentioned in neither are a large number of other spells that many would argue are undoubtedly charms.

To be considered a charm it needs to have the "Charm Icon" aka the little Four Leaf Clover.

Here are some examples of spells that cost more than one pip that are classified as charms (they all have the charm icon on their cards, not manipulation or something else, the charm icon.)

Elemental Diffuse - 5 pips
Quench truthfully all of the Dispel spells at Mildred Farseer (scroll down) - 2 pips each
Bad Juju - 3 pips
Supercharge - X pip
Plague - 1 pip
Virulent Plague - 3 pips
Ion Wind - X pip

Enya Firemoon's Spears such as Lifespear (0 pips) and the Elemental Spear (1 pip) are given the Charm designation, but do not explicitly affect "damage, healing, or accuracy of either an incoming or outgoing spell by a certain percentage" AKA it's not a 35% blade or whatever.

It is strongly inappropriate to limit charm spells to that very brief definition that is given merely as a brief explanation to explain the Basics of Charms, it by no means is an exhaustive list especially when one considers that phrase originates from the basic player starter guide from 2008. Therefore, that definition is very outdated, when one considers all of the newer charm spells. Please also consider that it says "these spells usually cost 0 pips and are consumed after use." Usually, just means often, not only. I would also argue that a dispel is a "Negative charm that is cast on your enemies for a penalty" the penalty is that the enemy has their accuracy (or chance of that spell working) reduced completely to zero. Charms also float above the wizard during a duel, which dispels do.

In conclusion, Dispels are Negative charms.

Jun 26, 2009
1. I think you missed the very beginning of my post, where I said I agree with you.

2. "To be considered a charm it needs to have the "Charm Icon" aka the little Four Leaf Clover."
We aren't talking about just any charms. Indemnity specifically targets negative charms that's why there is a slash through the icon of the charm and ward on the card. Also, globals are also considered charms and they don't have a charm icon.

3. Of your list of examples (Elemental Diffuse, Quench(and every other dispel), Bad Juju, Supercharge, Plague, Virulent Plague and Ion Wind) only three of them are negative charms. Supercharge is a positive charm, it goes on the caster. Ion Wind is also a positive charm as it goes on the caster. It's also an item card and those cannot be enchanted. Dispels I explained in the first post.

4. Enya Firemoon's Spears. Also a positive charm, doesn't count. Yes, I also understand you mentioned those spells to demonstrate charms can cost more then zero pips. like you correctly stated 'usually'.

5. "It is strongly inappropriate to limit charm spells to that very brief definition" Dude you can't be serious, it almost sounds like you're taking it personal. I'm just giving you my best reasoning for why you can't enchant dispels with indemnity based on available information. Relax.

6. Yes, I did get my info from the basic starter guide. Yes, it is very old. If you know of some other updated rules guide please post it for me. Otherwise I'm going to go by it.

Jun 26, 2009
7. "a dispel is a "Negative charm that is cast on your enemies for a penalty" the penalty is that the enemy has their accuracy (or chance of that spell working) reduced completely to zero".
I guess I would say to that there is no value on a dispel. While technically I understand your point of a spells accuracy being reduced to zero, dispels have no listed negative value on the card. It doesn't reduce anything, it simply prevents you from casting a spell of that school. The only thing I could say that leans the argument your way is casting a spell of the same school results in a fizz.

8. "Charms also float above the wizard during a duel, which dispels do." Agreed. I'm not debating if it's a charm. I never said it wasn't. I'm saying why it's not a negative charm.

So dispels cost more then zero pips and they don't increase or decrease the overall damage, healing, or accuracy of either an incoming or outgoing spell by a certain percentage. Based on the description given in the only rules I can find for what a negative charm is, none of them apply to dispels. Hence, not a negative charm.

But again, I think that it should be.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Jasmine3429 on Aug 7, 2017 wrote:
If you look at the card indemnity is to protect positive charms, dispel is neither!
That is also incorrect Jasmine3429. Aegis protects positive charms or wards, while Indemnity is for negative ones.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
I guess a question that I have is for higher level Death or Fire Wizards and that is is Bad Juju (or the one from Efreet) able to have indemnity used on it? I don't have a Fire or Death Wizard that is at the high enough level at the moment. Just out of curiosity.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Mr Talon on Aug 8, 2017 wrote:
1. I think you missed the very beginning of my post, where I said I agree with you.

2. "To be considered a charm it needs to have the "Charm Icon" aka the little Four Leaf Clover."
We aren't talking about just any charms. Indemnity specifically targets negative charms that's why there is a slash through the icon of the charm and ward on the card. Also, globals are also considered charms and they don't have a charm icon.

3. Of your list of examples (Elemental Diffuse, Quench(and every other dispel), Bad Juju, Supercharge, Plague, Virulent Plague and Ion Wind) only three of them are negative charms. Supercharge is a positive charm, it goes on the caster. Ion Wind is also a positive charm as it goes on the caster. It's also an item card and those cannot be enchanted. Dispels I explained in the first post.

4. Enya Firemoon's Spears. Also a positive charm, doesn't count. Yes, I also understand you mentioned those spells to demonstrate charms can cost more then zero pips. like you correctly stated 'usually'.

5. "It is strongly inappropriate to limit charm spells to that very brief definition" Dude you can't be serious, it almost sounds like you're taking it personal. I'm just giving you my best reasoning for why you can't enchant dispels with indemnity based on available information. Relax.

6. Yes, I did get my info from the basic starter guide. Yes, it is very old. If you know of some other updated rules guide please post it for me. Otherwise I'm going to go by it.
1-They are considered negative charms.
3-You are correct about the positive ones, do you or anyone else know about the negative ones? i.e. previous post?
5-I still think that it is an inaccurate description.
6-Yes, the bottom of the original page still has the 2008 copyright mark.
7- It is essentially a guaranteed fizzle. Which I think would make it have value? (I didn't understand that part I guess) It still is a "negative charm cast on your opponents for a penalty." Again, did you see the icon? It has the negative / like you mentioned. http://www.wizard101central.com/wiki/Spell:Melt#axzz4pIsdVYeJ
8-Glad we agree that it is a charm. I mean what would you classify it as then? I don't think it's really a positive charm (when it's floating above you I mean) and I don't think it's a neutral charm (wouldn't that mean it has no affect and is just a marker?) Because it has the negative charm icon and it produces a negative affect, it seems to me that it should be called a negative charm....

I'm glad we agree for the most part.

KI will you fix it now?

Dec 31, 2009
exp613 on Aug 8, 2017 wrote:
That is also incorrect Jasmine3429. Aegis protects positive charms or wards, while Indemnity is for negative ones.
Yup, too late to fix it now, realized i had them backwards after I posted :)

Dec 31, 2009
exp613 on Aug 8, 2017 wrote:
I guess a question that I have is for higher level Death or Fire Wizards and that is is Bad Juju (or the one from Efreet) able to have indemnity used on it? I don't have a Fire or Death Wizard that is at the high enough level at the moment. Just out of curiosity.
Yes, they have a negative charm
