Is it just me or are singles kinda uselesz in pve. Ok maybe they are good to use in dungeons but in normal questing i havent used single hits since i got scarecrow.
Now i juts use lulu and it kills everything bosses and minions with one hit rather than 2 3 or 4. Anyone else do this or is my playstyle jist really different. I know people play differently but this seems really efficient to me.
I completely agree and I'm sad I've does not get a multiple hit spell at Darkmoor. Weaver is a waste in PVE so I have to quintuple blade and triple feint to kill KR bosses using Frost Giant . At least it is faster than killing minion then boss
I completely agree and I'm sad I've does not get a multiple hit spell at Darkmoor. Weaver is a waste in PVE so I have to quintuple blade and triple feint to kill KR bosses using Frost Giant . At least it is faster than killing minion then boss
I dont think you know the ice school. Weaver is great spell to have espically in PVE. The spell goes with our specialty of surviving giving us a -75 shield. I didn't have to quad blade or triple feint a boss. It must your gear. Also if your not satisfied with weaver you'll get your next AOE spell in the next world.
No I mean using weaver in PVE is slow. First you have to kill minion then boss. Using frost giant and blade stack is faster than kill each with a couple blades. Myth,storm,fire and death can just use one hit to kill all. Using single hits , you would have to hit twice.
Is it just me or are singles kinda uselesz in pve. Ok maybe they are good to use in dungeons but in normal questing i havent used single hits since i got scarecrow.
Now i juts use lulu and it kills everything bosses and minions with one hit rather than 2 3 or 4. Anyone else do this or is my playstyle jist really different. I know people play differently but this seems really efficient to me.
It's the same story as storm, for everything bar hard dungeons/bosses (end of world bosses kinda thing) I basically use Bugs, why waste time killing the minion when I could kill the boss AND the minion? and since it is unlikely that they can kill me before I put 2 feints plus 3-4 blades then there is no reason to use say an Owl or Rasulka. Even if I do not end up killing, Bugs/temp/storm lord is a better back up (if i fail to kill a minion and a boss sultan is just straight weaker and rusulka/owl won't do the job so I use bugs, temp, lord or sirens instead)
The simple way of putting it is, Why would I take the risk of not kill then having to cast 2 more spells when I could just have less base damage and achieve the same result but 4-5 turns faster single hits just are not efficient when compare to the value and power of the multi hits (exceptions to this are life with only forest lord and Ice with frost giant and that good old shadow pip costing ice tempest)