I was using henchmens in azteca and i haven't tried this just in case But can you use two henchmen at a time for solo boss's or you have to wait for one to die or could you just use 2 in the battle
You can use any amount according to the available number of open sigils/slots.
So, if you're soloing, you can hire up to three henchmen.
If one dies, you can hire another.
If you die though, and you aren't healed in the same round, they all disappear. They all disappear if you flee as well.
Good Luck.
If you die though, and you aren't healed in the same round, they all disappear.
Everything else is accurate but this is not correct. If we die, the henchmen will continue to battle until they are also defeated. (We can even stay to watch the end of a battle in case the "henchman" wins, but since we are defeated, at the end of the battle we will be sent back to the Commons area without getting credit.)
If we had the foresight to buy a Life henchman before we were defeated, often they will heal us within the next round or two so that we can hopefully continue the battle.
A defeated henchman will disappear in that very round, even if we were in the process of healing them in that round.
If we flee a battle and the other person we are with remains, any henchmen that WE bought will disappear. If the other person bought the henchmen, however, then those henchmen will remain to help them even if we flee.