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Reasonable 7th character

Jul 31, 2015
I have been playing since 2009, and there has always been one consistent thing that I wish was added to the game. This one thing, of course, is a seventh character slot. With the current game's build, there are only six slots for characters. When Pirate101 was created, you had extra character slots outside of what you needed to have one of each class. I get one reason why KingsIsle would not want to add a seventh slot is that it encourages having to make another account and then requiring a new membership or crowns to be purchased to play that character fully through the game. This is a debatable subject seeing how some people cannot afford to have memberships across two accounts(one on their main and one on the second with their final school). Recently though, there was an addition to the game that could create a solution resulting in profit for KingsIsle and the players. This addition, being the expansion elixirs.

Wizard101 is now 10 years old and has a dedicated player base. Being 10 years old now, I feel the players of the game should have a solution for this missing school. During these days, many players are devoted to housing projects featuring gear from all seven schools. With gear being dropped school specifically now, compared to when I first started and all gear was dropped, to get some gear you have to delete characters to attain the final gear sets. Now with the current crown purchases, some people may buy expansion elixirs, and down the road, that purchase will be wasted because they are working on a project where they might be spending thousands of hours. This is why I think a character expansion elixir should be created. It would both solve the seventh character problem and also help the expansion purchases remain relevant.

Now, the hardest part is how much the elixir should cost. As a business model, the requirement for having to make another account and have to make purchases on it is profitable, but again, some people cannot afford to make double the purchases just to have one more character to finish up all seven schools. I've thought about it and if people are dedicated enough they will most likely easily drop $60 on a character potion. I personally would even buy it if the cost was $100. This cost is a steep one, but looking at the financial difference, KI would still profit and it could be slightly cheaper than a second account for the consumer. At this point many people have multiple accounts anyway.

As with the current expansion elixirs, KI could easily put a cap on the number of elixirs you can purchase and realistically, we only need one. I really do think this could be a middle ground between KI and the consumers. It meets a request that the players have had since the beginning of the game, and will bring in a good profit for KI at the same time. Please consider this addition because with how old the game is, we need some way of having a solution.

Dec 13, 2008
MOSslayer101 on Oct 7, 2018 wrote:
I have been playing since 2009, and there has always been one consistent thing that I wish was added to the game. This one thing, of course, is a seventh character slot. With the current game's build, there are only six slots for characters. When Pirate101 was created, you had extra character slots outside of what you needed to have one of each class. I get one reason why KingsIsle would not want to add a seventh slot is that it encourages having to make another account and then requiring a new membership or crowns to be purchased to play that character fully through the game. This is a debatable subject seeing how some people cannot afford to have memberships across two accounts(one on their main and one on the second with their final school). Recently though, there was an addition to the game that could create a solution resulting in profit for KingsIsle and the players. This addition, being the expansion elixirs.

Wizard101 is now 10 years old and has a dedicated player base. Being 10 years old now, I feel the players of the game should have a solution for this missing school. During these days, many players are devoted to housing projects featuring gear from all seven schools. With gear being dropped school specifically now, compared to when I first started and all gear was dropped, to get some gear you have to delete characters to attain the final gear sets. Now with the current crown purchases, some people may buy expansion elixirs, and down the road, that purchase will be wasted because they are working on a project where they might be spending thousands of hours. This is why I think a character expansion elixir should be created. It would both solve the seventh character problem and also help the expansion purchases remain relevant.

Now, the hardest part is how much the elixir should cost. As a business model, the requirement for having to make another account and have to make purchases on it is profitable, but again, some people cannot afford to make double the purchases just to have one more character to finish up all seven schools. I've thought about it and if people are dedicated enough they will most likely easily drop $60 on a character potion. I personally would even buy it if the cost was $100. This cost is a steep one, but looking at the financial difference, KI would still profit and it could be slightly cheaper than a second account for the consumer. At this point many people have multiple accounts anyway.

As with the current expansion elixirs, KI could easily put a cap on the number of elixirs you can purchase and realistically, we only need one. I really do think this could be a middle ground between KI and the consumers. It meets a request that the players have had since the beginning of the game, and will bring in a good profit for KI at the same time. Please consider this addition because with how old the game is, we need some way of having a solution.
Ive been playing since 2008 ik what you feel but ive been posting on almost all of the "add another wizard or code in another" its just not possible at this moment even tho kingsisle time from the end of khrysalis part 2 to polaris (22 months of time), the reason pirate jad an extra slot was because that was prepared unlike wiz when wiz was made they had only 6 but once krokotopia was released there was 1 extra school :/ trust me kingsisle wants to give us tjat extra spot but for them to find put how to make it work probably wont be until after the last 2 worlds of this arc when theres no world for a year an a half. Theres no way the potion should be that costly itd be impossible for some people.. if it was idk lets say 10-20k crowns worth that's more foreseeable but as above and as ive been told above by ton of people that's the situation

Ps. Id love a 7th because when i choose balance instead of myth, balance was vastly more useful but seeing all these good myth in game it really made me want a myth, it wouldnt take long too for me to make a myth pet early on and raise to a good one up abusing the energy refilling at lvl ups but all in due time if the time shows itself

Feb 15, 2010
I completely agree. Although the amount of crowns should be lower. Maybe 40000 crowns due to the level 50 elixir costing 30000.

Thomas Wildstone

Dec 13, 2008
Thomas Wild on Oct 10, 2018 wrote:
I completely agree. Although the amount of crowns should be lower. Maybe 40000 crowns due to the level 50 elixir costing 30000.

Thomas Wildstone
I'm sorry but no no no theres no way the 7th character potion should be 40k crowns that a little dumb kids that join up or adults that want the 7th wizard itd be to expensive im all up for a potion that gives us the 7th spot but 60$-100$ no no way kid players would not be able to afford that adults would but not kids even if they got birthday money or christmas gift card money or whatever holiday they get money from thats way to much guys if they do go with making a potion they would have to make it 15k since it only gives another character spot