Can someone help explain the critical to me? My critical rating goes down 1 every day, exact same gear. I reached level 120 and was trying out different matches which is when i noticed, since then i have went down 1 percent a day from 58 to now 43 percent over the span of 2 weeks give or take while wearing the exact same gear. Does my attack percent have any effect on it? I did raise my attack once, when i was experimenting with it, not every day or anything. Will it ever stop going down? Its the first thing I look at every time I login. Anyone else have this issue? Thanks for any advice or comments.
It goes down as you level up so if ya leved up a lot in the last few days/weeks then it will be lower. Someone a few years ago decided this was a good idea. Give the enemy lots of critical block, let the enemy critical more, take away our critical block and at the same time make our critical go down as we level. This is the only reason I do look forward to the new world 100%.