I would like to officially invite all of you to our 4th Annual Santa Run which will take place on Sunday, December 16th! We plan on having various fun activities that lead up to our main event - the Santa Run, which is a run around Wizard City. Shortly after, we'll teleport everyone to a Christmas-Themed afterparty house. More Information about when & where this information below:
I haven't officially announced anything on my website as of yet, but once I do, I'll post here again with the Official Santa Run Post (which will include a schedule of activities, a guide that shows where we'll be running, and more). I hope to see you there! Remember to keep this event family-friendly if you do plan on attending. Keep an eye out here on the message boards & my website for more information as we near the date.
@Talaysen: I can't wait to see you there! Thank you so much for your support. :D
@Everyone: The Official Santa Run Post has now been published. Feel free to check it out by clicking on the link below. This post provides an official schedule of activities & a video guide of where we'll be running. Hope you're able to attend the event with us. :)