Title is pretty self explanatory, Balance has a lot of elemental attacks, but only one consistent spirit attack which is Chimera, yes i know Gaze of Fate can hit spirit but with it having the chance to hit as any school its hard to use it for spirit attacks. So i'm just hoping to get the attention of KI with this, and that whenever the next big update rolls around that balance can get this, or maybe a healing spell that isnt over time, its hard to revive people when the spell only gives them like 80 hp for the first round
I totally agree! Balance has Spectral Blast, elemental minions, Hydra, and probably more I'm forgetting that are for the elements! Since Chimera is our Spiritual Hydra, I want a Spiritual Blast, and spiritual minions!
Instead of having the elemental/spiritual diffuse at lvl 35, they should add spirit blast in it. it would be so much easier to use because it boosts against balance enemies.
When storm gets a dot, fire and ice get a big nerf, balance lore master gets nerf mana burn gets nerf and the 2 pip supernova gets nerf. while the after effect over 25% bubble for gaze gets remove then the balance can get a spirit spell. besides, i think you get chimera that does spirit damage but at a cost of 9 pips and you can also get spirit blast from the harpy pet.