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new twist on existing member benefit

Jan 11, 2012
I LOVE these benefits, they're wonderful, but one in particular has gotten way out of hand. Please don't dismiss this idea without truly understanding what Im asking for. So, which reward do I have an issue with? 2X Gardening. Why do I have an issue with it? Because we can't:

sell the seeds that give guaranteed mega snacks at elder
trade the seeds to anybody outside of banksharing

What I propose is a second 2X version, while keeping the existing version, where you get 2x XP and 2X drops, but NOT get 2X seeds. Seeds are the bane of storage space. In a facebook group I belong to, one of the admins has over 3,000 seeds in their bank. This breaks the bank system entirely because you can't store anything else. Pet snacks, on the other hand, you can store 7 x 999 PER SNACK on a single account (totaling 6,993 of a single snack).

KI, PLEASE consider this option moving forward. Give those of us whose banks are busting with seeds have this option. I've personally come up with other options on how you can assist us with seeds, and so have others, and thus far, none of them have showed up. You gave us seed vaults, but I fear you've locked yourself into a course of action with them that can NEVER be stepped back from, unless something changes about how the vaults are used.

Dec 26, 2010
dayerider on Jan 11, 2019 wrote:
I LOVE these benefits, they're wonderful, but one in particular has gotten way out of hand. Please don't dismiss this idea without truly understanding what Im asking for. So, which reward do I have an issue with? 2X Gardening. Why do I have an issue with it? Because we can't:

sell the seeds that give guaranteed mega snacks at elder
trade the seeds to anybody outside of banksharing

What I propose is a second 2X version, while keeping the existing version, where you get 2x XP and 2X drops, but NOT get 2X seeds. Seeds are the bane of storage space. In a facebook group I belong to, one of the admins has over 3,000 seeds in their bank. This breaks the bank system entirely because you can't store anything else. Pet snacks, on the other hand, you can store 7 x 999 PER SNACK on a single account (totaling 6,993 of a single snack).

KI, PLEASE consider this option moving forward. Give those of us whose banks are busting with seeds have this option. I've personally come up with other options on how you can assist us with seeds, and so have others, and thus far, none of them have showed up. You gave us seed vaults, but I fear you've locked yourself into a course of action with them that can NEVER be stepped back from, unless something changes about how the vaults are used.
I get what the problem is because I have it too especially since pink dandelion seeds are not easy to come by therefore I don't have enough vaults for my seeds. But I don't want double seeds to stop. If your a member who's been around for awhile double seeds can be a problem, but what about newer people or people who decide to start a new account?

For example I'm planning on starting a garden on my death wiz which is only possible because of double seeds. Without it I won't have enough to have a garden with the max amount of plants on both my fire and death wiz. People who have just started playing will also want this benefit as is for those reasons. No one wants to farm for hours/days when they can just harvest their elder plants once during a double gardening benefit.

Also you can sell crowns plants (these are the pants that give mega snacks at elder). You just have to sell them back to Farley or any of his other variations. The same thing can be done with crowns gear and furniture. You have to sell it to a vendor from a store rather than at the bazaar. So if for example you have a robe from a pack with the crowns symbol on it. Go to the shopping district, pick a store that sells gear to go into, talk to the shopkeeper and pick sell, then sell your crowns gear they will accept them. Farley works the same way with crowns plants.

However having said all this I'd love it if seed vaults stored more than 100 seeds considering most people have a garden of 69 the max the spell circle will affect, myself included. 100 is just not enough space to hold all my seeds while I level up my wizards before giving them gardens.

Mar 29, 2012
Did you know that you can sell crowns seeds and no auction seeds to Farley in Wizard City? Any of his gardening brothers in any of the worlds will give you this option under "Sell" You can also sell furniture and other decorative items to him that may be taking up space in your pack whether they are Crowns items or not. Id really hate to see the double seeds go since many new and low-level players farm and farm for a few seeds just hoping and waiting for the day that double gardening comes along. I myself was pretty happy to double some of my rare seeds even though like you, I have plenty of Couch Potatoes and Evil Magma Peas.

Hope This Helps,

Amber Ravynsong

Jan 19, 2015
You can also feed extra seeds to your pets to get gold, treasure cards, reagents, and sometimes pet experience (without having to spend any energy!)

Jan 11, 2012
Im am not looking to get rid of a ting. I stated in my first post that this would be IN ADDITION to the existing benefit. Let me say this again:

This would be IN ADDITION to existing benefits.

I totally understand why people want the extra seeds. my point was, after a while, they're coming out of your ears, and selling seeds, one at a time, is exhausting. If we could sell in batches, it would make more sense. Can you sell them in batches? Last time I tried to do it, I gave up because it was one at a time. Selling 3,000 seeds, one at a time, would probably take an hour or so.

I will clarify my original post to say you cant sell them EASILY, because you're right that you can sell them, albeit very slowly. However, keep in mind that selling things should NEVER take a long time. We should be able to batch sell whatever we want.

Aug 03, 2014
dayerider on Jan 14, 2019 wrote:
Im am not looking to get rid of a ting. I stated in my first post that this would be IN ADDITION to the existing benefit. Let me say this again:

This would be IN ADDITION to existing benefits.

I totally understand why people want the extra seeds. my point was, after a while, they're coming out of your ears, and selling seeds, one at a time, is exhausting. If we could sell in batches, it would make more sense. Can you sell them in batches? Last time I tried to do it, I gave up because it was one at a time. Selling 3,000 seeds, one at a time, would probably take an hour or so.

I will clarify my original post to say you cant sell them EASILY, because you're right that you can sell them, albeit very slowly. However, keep in mind that selling things should NEVER take a long time. We should be able to batch sell whatever we want.
It sounds like it would make more sense to ask for a quick sell option or ability to use a slider to sell in bulk, rather than taking away or reducing the opportunity for new wizards or gardeners from building their gardens.

Having an additional benefit where seeds are not included would almost certainly reduce the number of gardening benefits or some other member benefit. It would also confuse players having 2 very similar benefits and require changing the coding. Having sliders added when selling things is something that could benefit everyone all year around though...let's make sure it is added to trading treasure cards too while we're asking!

In the mean time if you have so many plants the seeds are becoming a chore/burdensome during double gardening you could just not harvest them for those few days? With that many plants you can surely manage with the snacks you're getting even if you did skip one elder harvest because the benefit was running?

Don't forget that not everyone does gardening just for snacks - I've used double gardening to double up pink dandelions for crafting seed vaults and a lot of random cool-looking plants purely for decoration (eg clockwork flowers; boiled peanuts; happy holidaisy; missile toe; ivy league...loads of things!)

Apr 12, 2009
I would like the backpack, bank, shared bank for seeds to be treated as reagents. You would then be able to accommodate the magnitude of seeds provided during the member benefit events and not having adequate storage for the seeds. Please please, please.

Jul 09, 2010
What about a toggle in our books that automatically puts all gardening rewards into that quick sell menu -- instead of our backpack/bank. And when we close our garden menu Quick sell opens with everything that was dropped- we sell anything we wish EVEN CROWN ITEMS - and what we don't sell THEN falls into the backpack or bank.

Jan 11, 2012
MsDeUni on Jan 14, 2019 wrote:
I would like the backpack, bank, shared bank for seeds to be treated as reagents. You would then be able to accommodate the magnitude of seeds provided during the member benefit events and not having adequate storage for the seeds. Please please, please.
the problem with this highly requested idea, is that they created seed vaults, and locked themselves into never allowing this to happen. I see only ONE way this could still be implemented, and that's if they take seed vaults, and gear vaults, and turn them into extensions of character based banks, and rename the gear/seed vaults to something else, and allow for 2 vaults inside your house. Then, make seeds not count towards backpack space after extending bank space. That is the ONLY way I see it happening, and I seriously doubt they'll do it due to the loss of revenue. Yes, we can craft both vaults, but how many people payed crowns for those things? They'd want to be reimbursed for their payments, and that's where the whole thing falls apart. The idea I illustrate in this post MIGHT work; nothing is a guarantee.

Jan 11, 2012
Victoria FireHeart on Jan 14, 2019 wrote:
It sounds like it would make more sense to ask for a quick sell option or ability to use a slider to sell in bulk, rather than taking away or reducing the opportunity for new wizards or gardeners from building their gardens.

Having an additional benefit where seeds are not included would almost certainly reduce the number of gardening benefits or some other member benefit. It would also confuse players having 2 very similar benefits and require changing the coding. Having sliders added when selling things is something that could benefit everyone all year around though...let's make sure it is added to trading treasure cards too while we're asking!

In the mean time if you have so many plants the seeds are becoming a chore/burdensome during double gardening you could just not harvest them for those few days? With that many plants you can surely manage with the snacks you're getting even if you did skip one elder harvest because the benefit was running?

Don't forget that not everyone does gardening just for snacks - I've used double gardening to double up pink dandelions for crafting seed vaults and a lot of random cool-looking plants purely for decoration (eg clockwork flowers; boiled peanuts; happy holidaisy; missile toe; ivy league...loads of things!)
ACTUALLY, what would be even better, would be if we could CHOOSE how we want it to happen? Let us CHOOSE which part of the gardening rewards we get. I dont know how to make that possible, in a workable way, but if I didnt want the seeds and wanted snacks, I could choose that, and if you wanted the seeds, but not the snacks, you could choose that. If next time, we wanted ti to work differently, we could choose another method. Perhaps when you go to harvest, a box pulls up with check boxes. For example:

You're about to harvest your seeds. Check the boxes for all rewards you want to receive. This choice will only affect THIS instance. You can change your choice each time you come back to your home and harvest your gardens:

[ ] Default (selecting this option will grey out all the other options and gives you the normal harvest)

[ ] Experience
[ ] Seeds
[ ] Pet Snacks

[ ] Treasure Cards
[ ] Housing Decorations

This way, everybody can choose what they want to receive. Also, a harvest ALL option should be implemented finally to make this easier.

Aug 03, 2014
dayerider on Jan 16, 2019 wrote:
ACTUALLY, what would be even better, would be if we could CHOOSE how we want it to happen? Let us CHOOSE which part of the gardening rewards we get. I dont know how to make that possible, in a workable way, but if I didnt want the seeds and wanted snacks, I could choose that, and if you wanted the seeds, but not the snacks, you could choose that. If next time, we wanted ti to work differently, we could choose another method. Perhaps when you go to harvest, a box pulls up with check boxes. For example:

You're about to harvest your seeds. Check the boxes for all rewards you want to receive. This choice will only affect THIS instance. You can change your choice each time you come back to your home and harvest your gardens:

[ ] Default (selecting this option will grey out all the other options and gives you the normal harvest)

[ ] Experience
[ ] Seeds
[ ] Pet Snacks

[ ] Treasure Cards
[ ] Housing Decorations

This way, everybody can choose what they want to receive. Also, a harvest ALL option should be implemented finally to make this easier.
That sounds like a coding nightmare...not to mention the number of tickets it would generate to Support because someone clicked the wrong thing! Keep in mind, double rewards works by triggering the drop twice. If you selected 'no seeds' you would lose ALL seeds, including the ones you would have had returned to you.

A simple sell option seems much more viable. It would be present all the time and useful to everyone at any time. One piece of coding and it's there permanently instead of complicated options only during reward periods.

Jan 11, 2012
Victoria FireHeart on Jan 17, 2019 wrote:
That sounds like a coding nightmare...not to mention the number of tickets it would generate to Support because someone clicked the wrong thing! Keep in mind, double rewards works by triggering the drop twice. If you selected 'no seeds' you would lose ALL seeds, including the ones you would have had returned to you.

A simple sell option seems much more viable. It would be present all the time and useful to everyone at any time. One piece of coding and it's there permanently instead of complicated options only during reward periods.
the loss of all seeds is certainly a valid point, and yes, it would require a vast amount of coding (a guess, but a good one), but there has to be a way to allow us to take advantage of the double drops while only giving single seeds. That's where this idea stems from. It may not be feasible, but certainly was worth mentioning.