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Pet Derby Dead

Nov 15, 2018
Pet Derby is dead. I think if KI would add a Pet Derby leaderboard it would help bring more people to play Derby. Also if they would give more arena tickets by your rank. Pet Derby has always been one of my favorite things to do in the game but no one else does Pet Derby anymore. Maybe also adding Pet Derby Tournaments just like PVP. Let them be just like PVP, Crowns for non-members and gold for members. High number of arena tickets for a win. Please tell me what you think and if there are any other ideas to help bring Pet Derby back. Hopefully KI will do something to help bring more participants.

Jan 20, 2013
Well, I'd certainly be in favor of some new derby features!

Feb 26, 2019
WishIWasFishing on Mar 21, 2019 wrote:
Pet Derby is dead. I think if KI would add a Pet Derby leaderboard it would help bring more people to play Derby. Also if they would give more arena tickets by your rank. Pet Derby has always been one of my favorite things to do in the game but no one else does Pet Derby anymore. Maybe also adding Pet Derby Tournaments just like PVP. Let them be just like PVP, Crowns for non-members and gold for members. High number of arena tickets for a win. Please tell me what you think and if there are any other ideas to help bring Pet Derby back. Hopefully KI will do something to help bring more participants.
That's a great idea and I totally agree. pet derby has been completely empty which is kinda sad. I don't know if this is a feature already, but it would be cool if you even got pet experience depending on how well you did in the derby

Sep 05, 2010
I agree! I wish either more people played the derby or would be neat if the professors had pets and we could compete with their pets for different prizes like reagents, wands, seeds, and as you progress chance to win rare items, maybe even more pets!

Jan 30, 2014
This is a great idea. I bet if arena tickets were brought into this the pet derby would blow up! Most people like to just have self beneficial talents (damage, crit, etc) because that really helps us. However if they got arena tickets out of that fail pet that manifested selfishly in the derby, I think it would blow up very slowly.

Great idea!

See you in the spiral!

Sep 07, 2011
I'd love to see more derby activity.


Better rewards, more tickets etc.
Fix the bugs.
Leader board.

Oct 27, 2009
How old are the pets you are trying to compete with? Are they ultra or epic? You might have a little more luck with a pet that is only just old enough to compete in the derby. There might be a larger number of young wizards trying out young pets in the derby, making match ups easier. You could also try posting a derby meet-up here in the forums, naming a day and realm to meet at the pet derby. I hope you get your competitions. I hear the participation trophies are needed for crafting; maybe you can get some crafters to meet you and rake in some of those trophies.

Jun 13, 2011
You know what the Pet Derby would've had? More arenas. We've gotten many new worlds, but KI didn't take time to add in new arenas based on those worlds, from Celestia to Zafaria, Avalon to Azteca, Wintertusk, Wysteria, Khrysalis, Polaris, Mirage, and all the way up to Empyrea.

It would've been neat to see those arenas in the Pet Derby. New features are nice, but we need new arenas in.