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Bought spell cards from crowns store- missing?

May 23, 2019
im new so i’m not sure if I did something wrong but I bought spell cards from the crown store and they’re nowhere to be seen.

Aug 03, 2014
Littleorangedev on May 25, 2019 wrote:
im new so i’m not sure if I did something wrong but I bought spell cards from the crown store and they’re nowhere to be seen.
Hiya AppleButter and welcome!

What spell cards were they and are you sure it was from the Crown Store and not the Bazaar?

If it was a crown purchase you might need to contact support@wizard101.com (or via 'Help and Support' on the website).

If you bought them in the shop in Olde Town from the NPC called Elik then you should find your cards with your treasure cards. The golden cards are treasure cards and can be used once. If you look in your backpack and go to 'spell deck' (shortcut P) you will get your deck and trained spells that you add or remove from your spell deck. If we click on the golden card icon at the top left we get to see our 'side deck' and the treasure cards we own.

We can look through the treasure cards using the tabs for the different schools. The first icon is golden cards and that shows us all of them

This is where you can add or remove treasure cards for your battle side deck. We add/remove them the same as trained spells, but once we use them they vanish. It's good to try to remember if we used any treasure cards in battle so we can replenish them in our deck between fights.

To use a treasure card in battle: We can only choose from 7 cards at a time while in battle. To get a treasure card from our side deck we have to discard a spell in our hand to make space for it. We do this by right clicking on it. Once there is a space we can click 'Draw' to bring forward a treasure card from our side deck. To use it just select it in the same way we normally do Treasure cards can only be used once. If we discard a treasure card, fizzle on it or the battle ends before it is used it will remain in your side deck for your next battle. When the treasure card is successfully cast it will be used up.

I hope this helps but if it doesn't please give a few more details about your purchase so we can try to help you work out where they are hiding!

Welcome to the forum and W101

Aug 03, 2014
How strange! I'm so sorry for getting your name wrong! I was sure it was AppleButter...I must be going a little bit mad (or a little bit madder haha)! Welcome LittleOrangeDev