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new home

May 23, 2013
i think making a home out of a vault wood be good you can have gold in it a pet mad out of gold a mount mad out of crowns an gear mad out of crowns pss i love this game

Aug 03, 2014
kingsteel823 on May 30, 2019 wrote:
i think making a home out of a vault wood be good you can have gold in it a pet mad out of gold a mount mad out of crowns an gear mad out of crowns pss i love this game
That sounds interesting

Do you mean a house that's designed to look like a vault - with a golden pet and a mount and gear made from crowns to be a full bundle design? Or do you mean crafting a house from a gear vault to make a cool home to store things?

I think both would be great ideas. I'd love to hear more about how you're imagining it

PS. I love this game too!

May 23, 2013
May 23, 2013
well juts like a bank vault with a door that look like one you see in a bank thew pet can me mad out of gold and wan is shins in the sun like gems the pet can have a attack card that will tern the enemy is to gold and the mount mad out of crowns be like a Rainbow war the mount mad out of crown will changing color or have the player become the crowns and yes
house that's designed to look like a vault - with a golden pet and a mount and gear made from crowns to be a full bundle design

May 23, 2013
Aug 03, 2014
kingsteel823 on Jun 5, 2019 wrote:
well juts like a bank vault with a door that look like one you see in a bank thew pet can me mad out of gold and wan is shins in the sun like gems the pet can have a attack card that will tern the enemy is to gold and the mount mad out of crowns be like a Rainbow war the mount mad out of crown will changing color or have the player become the crowns and yes
house that's designed to look like a vault - with a golden pet and a mount and gear made from crowns to be a full bundle design
I love it!

The bank vault bundle - vault housing with plenty of compartments and high tech security! Maybe even have a wee puzzle to solve to enter each room?

Pet - A golden pet that shines like gems in the sun. What a lovely idea! The attack card to turn the enemy into gold is a great idea too...I wonder how long they'll be stuck as a golden statue? What would the pet look like? A piggy bank or maybe a golden mummified krok or maybe something else? Let me know what you think!

Mount - I don't think I am imagining it right, maybe you could give more description of this? I love the idea of it being rainbow and changing colours and being made of crowns. What kind of shape and design are you imagining? Is it like a car or tank or vehicle...or is it more like a type of animal? I'd love to hear more!

This sounds like a fantastic bundle and full of really fun ideas! I look forward to hearing even more about how you imagine it. You've got really great ideas!

May 23, 2013
well a pet mad out of gems wood shine in the sun sow the crown we you to buy the worlds and in wizard 101 make a mount out of them have them tern colors it cod be a flat mount like a disk or have the player be com the mount like a mist of crowns floating attack card wood tern the enemy in to gold and it wood lat for 3 rounds sow the enemy cant do nuthing for 3 rounds

Aug 03, 2014
kingsteel823 on Jun 7, 2019 wrote:
well a pet mad out of gems wood shine in the sun sow the crown we you to buy the worlds and in wizard 101 make a mount out of them have them tern colors it cod be a flat mount like a disk or have the player be com the mount like a mist of crowns floating attack card wood tern the enemy in to gold and it wood lat for 3 rounds sow the enemy cant do nuthing for 3 rounds
Your ideas are brilliant! I already want this bundle and you've only just told me your ideas for it!

What do you think about when the player is turned to gold for 3 rounds instead of being unable to do anything, they can ONLY use treasure cards those rounds (because they're golden!) What do you think?

I love both of your ideas about the mount - riding a disk like a single crown or pile of crowns and also your idea about them turning into a mist of crowns floating. I think I like the idea of turning into a mist of floating crowns most. That could look really sparkly and special

You've got a really creative imagination and really great ideas! If KI makes your bundle I'll definitely buy it, it sounds really luxurious!

Hey Sparck, what do you think of this cool bundle idea? Kingsteel's thought of a house, mount, pet and even a brand new spell!

May 23, 2013
May 23, 2013
they shood all sow mack a bundle mad out of all the old bundle call is a super bundle

Dec 09, 2008
This is a fascinating idea! I love collecting things myself, so any sort of house around that theme could be interesting.

Feb 12, 2015
A vault house... heh, turn things around a little! I like abnormality!

May 23, 2013
i like you i dear wan the enemy in tern to gold they can one yous treasure card but i think than the gold falls off them it can do damage to player is turned to gold for 3 rounds instead of being unable to do anything, they can ONLY use treasure cards is shows good but it shood to damage wan the gold falls off to spark thank and thank you to victoria fire heart i can up with the idea after seen the kl live las month wan you show the new bundle to the players i my self play wizard 101 i got all the world unlock by crowns aver think in the world to my wizard is now a travis strong stone fire wizard

May 23, 2013
spark do you got any ideas to ad all idea are good i think we cod mack this a bundle the weapon in the bundle cod be mad from small crown Changin shape from a wand to a sword to a ring in the ring a hammer will com out and hit the enemy

May 23, 2013
the home can look like a house item in a big field wan the player click than they do the puzzle to get in than they are pulled in side it is big on the in side than the out side of it

May 23, 2013
sorry for go to ad this in wut if you put stuff on the wall and it move from wall to wall like magic it cod be on one side of the wall wan you log back in to the home is on the other side of the wall or is down the hall

Aug 03, 2014
kingsteel823 on Jun 10, 2019 wrote:
i like you i dear wan the enemy in tern to gold they can one yous treasure card but i think than the gold falls off them it can do damage to player is turned to gold for 3 rounds instead of being unable to do anything, they can ONLY use treasure cards is shows good but it shood to damage wan the gold falls off to spark thank and thank you to victoria fire heart i can up with the idea after seen the kl live las month wan you show the new bundle to the players i my self play wizard 101 i got all the world unlock by crowns aver think in the world to my wizard is now a travis strong stone fire wizard
Yay I'm glad you like idea of having to use treasure cards when we're turned to gold

I like your idea of the gold falling off us when we use them too. Maybe crumbling off? Falling off in chunks? Melting?

I'm glad you enjoy the KI Live events too - they're a lot of fun and I really like them too. I'm glad it inspired you to come up with your own bundle design and happy you shared it

Your ideas about it being in the middle of a field and only accessible once we solve a puzzle is cool. It reminds me of a place near where I live - the Secret Bunker! It's an old bunker that was secretly made in war time to protect the people in charge so they could safely keep up with the war news, communicate with everyone and work out strategies for battle etc. It's quite funny now because it's not used so there are huge road signs pointing to 'SECRET BUNKER'...not very secret hahaha

What do you think the golden pet should look like? Maybe a mole like Dougle Doug, with his big mole hands for digging? What else would work and what are you imagining?

I love your idea about the walls and things on them moving and changing with magic. Maybe have different puzzles to unlock different areas or storage places inside? What do you think?

May 23, 2013
well the gold falling of wood shatter in to piece it will fall of with such power it dos damage the pet can be a waking gold on lags or a group gems well having puzzles wood be goo to go from one room in to a nether put wut if we have the players mack the puzzles in there sow ether players ho are at there home have to salve them in or to get in to the rooms thar wus a lake or a river with a magic fish that give us stuff after we feed him the fish can changing school colors depending wut school colors he is you get a gift from that school

May 23, 2013
i got a idea a bout the earn crown videos way not do wizard 101 trivia questions in game and in pirate101 you can do pirate 101 trivia questions to rean crown sum time the videos dont work sum time they do