If anyone doesn't know, sacrifice is a death school spell that does 250 damage to yourself, in order to heal anyone of your choosing for 700 health. However, it is also able to be enchanted, like most spells in the game. Unfortunately, all the damage enchantments can also be applied to sacrifice. Now this would be good if there was a proportional increase to the healing. However there isn't, and with an enchant, you could potentially make a mistake that you could regret. Ex: dealing 550 damage and healing only 700 with an epic enchantment. While yes, primordial and radical should definitely be applicable to sacrifice, none of the damage or piercing/ accuracy enchantments should be applicable.
If anyone doesn't know, sacrifice is a death school spell that does 250 damage to yourself, in order to heal anyone of your choosing for 700 health. However, it is also able to be enchanted, like most spells in the game. Unfortunately, all the damage enchantments can also be applied to sacrifice. Now this would be good if there was a proportional increase to the healing. However there isn't, and with an enchant, you could potentially make a mistake that you could regret. Ex: dealing 550 damage and healing only 700 with an epic enchantment. While yes, primordial and radical should definitely be applicable to sacrifice, none of the damage or piercing/ accuracy enchantments should be applicable.
Dakota TitanHeart 130 84 2
How much do you love me?
Death wizard - My love for you is epic!
2 mins later...sacrifice...
Death wizard - Nooooo, I didn't mean it literally!