Re: Logging into message boards is hard for vision impaired
I'm guessing this is for additional security/verification reasons.
It usually happens when you're logging in using a new Wi-Fi, different computer system or you haven't logged in a while.
Maybe an option in your account settings should be made enabling it to be turned off for persons such as yourself that actually does more harm than good.
Re: Logging into message boards is hard for vision impaired
I can well sympathize with Liam Swiftwalker, as this has occurred to me frequently. Not because I have been using a different computer. Wi-Fi or haven’t logged in for a while. I log in daily or at least every other day, this happens on the game and the forums here. It also happens when we have been logged out of the game for unknown reasons.
So any option to the game that would allow enabling it to be turned off would be appreciated.
Re: Logging into message boards is hard for vision impaired
The Captcha happens to me a lot due to my internet provided using "floating" IP address for security. I have had to go through the Captcha screen several times in one log on. Now I just hit the upper right corner X and start over with my log in - goes right through, no problems. At least Wizard101 just asks you to figure out a crazy written word. I really hate the places that make you look at a bunch of small photos and click on the ones with a specific item /or part of that item.