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Crafting Services

Mar 24, 2020
Hi, so yesterday I finished crafting the required athames and rings for Felicia in Marleybone. However, I'm not able to complete the quest. She doesn't have a question mark above her, only a backpack. Whenever I talk to her, the quest Crafting Services is greyed out and I'm not able to complete it. Whenever I click on the quest, she says something along the lines of "If you ever need any crafting tips, come talk to me." I don't have the initiate crafter badge but I do have the apprentice crafter badge. And the items are in my backpack. Thanks!

Aug 01, 2012
Hi! So one of my friends and I were doing the crafting quest called Crafting Services in Marleybone for Felicia. The quest was fine on my end but not so much for hers. She’s not able to complete the quest even though she’s crafted all 4 items needed. There is a backpack above Felicia on her screen and when she interacts with her, the quest Crafting Services is greyed out. Whenever she clicks on the quest, Felicia says something along the lines of “If you ever need crafting tips, I’m the one to talk to.” Yes, my friend does have all four items in her backpack.
