We have the ability to change our hair, face, hat, robe, boots, even customize our pet. But what about the people that have damage mounts, feeling obligated to use them because of the extra stat? I don't want people replying that this isnt a big deal because people farm days just to get that extra 1-2% damage (dragoon in a nutshell) But my point is, Imagine having dozens and dozens of amazing mounts in the game, And you are stuck to using this mount, just because of the stats? I don't understand why they don't do it in a business standpoint- Because what would make the people that have ghultures/stat mounts buy mounts that they like for the looks? nothing. there would be no reason to buy them because they'd be forced to using the ghulture anyways. My favorite mounts in the game is the feathered raptor (amazing mount <3) and the harrowing wings, But I can't use them because I feel obligated to rock my damage mount. add mount merging/stitching (merging makes more sense) to the game for 100 crowns just like the other gear pieces. Or add jewel sockets to every mount in the game, having the people with ghulture mounts already owning a 3% non-shatter jewel. and make 1-2% damage jewels drop from bosses being hard to get. Adding more damage mounts to the game completely misses the point I was trying to make I'm talking about the mounts that are already inside of the game being able for us to use again.
Thanks for reading my post, I hope this goes into consideration.