Hello everyone! I'm looking to update our quick chat for Beastmoon Mayhem events. I know sometimes it can be difficult to communicate with those that are quick chat only. What would you like to see in Quick Chat to help out communication with your teammates? I guess this also applies to our Beastmoon Hunt events also.
Personally I have been thinking about pairing down the quick chat options in the events to help those that don't use it regularly find the options we are looking for.
I have also moved the Beastmoon options up in the list just under Battle. I have also added some Mayhem quick chat options.
When we hit test realm, I plan on taking feedback and making adjustments as we update it. Let us make this the best we can together.
I like the second one better that uses sigil locations. There's only 4 sigil locations in a duel circle which greatly simplifies the process of finding the chat you're looking for, while the first one would have to have many more options for each beast form.
I agree, people do say the forms rather then attack Knife or attack Key sigil. But yes, if you add the text to attack the form on sigil X that would be more efficient, less cluttered and will train us to use the sigil and not call out the form.
I look forward to this change, it will help greatly when communicating with menu chat folks in Beast Moon.
While this isn't a specific Quick Chat suggestion it is more a Wizard 101 notice all players could benefit from. Is there any way that a message could be posted to the chat when the Time Clam/ Clock Flower is collected? Possibly in an alternate color so it stands out when scrolling back in the chat box. I know there is a short duration message towards the bottom of the screen when it is collected, but very often it is missed if in a fight. So many times I have been in a match and no one seems to know if any players should dedicate time to look for the Time item. When I find it, I always mention it in chat, but it often gets lost in all the rest of the chat of the same color. Thus the request for an alternate color that will stand out in the chat box. Additionally I have to stop game play to announce in chat that I found the time item. Thank you for considering this request. In a time sensitive match a few seconds can make a difference in the final out come.
And I agree, use sigil locations rather than beast form, keeps it much simpler. I almost never use quick chat due to inexperience with it. I find I don't have that much time to find what to say while running or fighting. Guess I am just too used to open chat and typing quickly. It would be great if some items / words typed in open chat that correspond to quick chat automatically can be seen by the menu chat players.
Here are some quick chat suggestions for Beastmoon courtesy of RichardDkht on Wizard101Central:
- A line for saying what enemy schools can do, ex. "Myth can push traps" or "Life can shift DoTs" - A line asking if a player can apply a certain spell effect, ex. "Can you stun" or "Can you trap" - A line to ask what level a player's form is - A line to state what you are planning to do, ex. "I will shield" or "I will hit X target" - A line to tell players to find the extra time bonus, ex. "Find the Time Clam/Clockfather" - A line to say if an enemy will be defeated next round, ex. "X Target is dead next round" - A line to ask a player not to do something, ex. "Please don't heal", "please don't use traps" etc. - A line telling players to flee and where to go afterwards, ex. "Flee to help in an outside battle" or "Flee and come back here" - Specific to Mayhem a line urging players to choose spells quickly, ex. "This event is timed, choose your spells quickly!" - A line telling players which enemy to target first - A line telling a player to summon a minion and a line for asking players not to summon a minion. - Line(s) explaining the weaknesses of form types versus others. Perhaps something that points out the on-screen wheel that shows the relationships between school boosts? - A form-specific line for DoT removal like "Use X Blade to remove DoTs" - One line to say "I need battlecoins" - Lines to say "here are pips" and "here are chests" - Lines stating which wave players are on, ex. "This is wave one" - Lines stating the number of players that should join a duel ring, ex. "We are doing 2v2" - Lines stating which duel ring a player should battle in, ex. "Go fight against XY"
For the last 3 in particular being able to chain smaller phrases together could be very useful, such as being able to say "This is wave 1, we are doing 2v2, go fight against XY" all at once.
Two additional lines I would like to see: - "Has the extra time/Time Clam/Clockfather been found?" - "We have already found the extra time/Time Clam/Clockfather for this wave"
Thanks for all the feedback. When we hit test realm look for these. I want to add them but I don't want them so cluttered that it makes it tough to find quickly for those that don't use quick chat regularly. Expect some iteration based on TR feedback.
The communication problems are way bigger than whether to refer to the position or the beast.
The first chat phrase I need is "Pick a form" because many menu chat, and some other players, arrive in the lobby without having bothered to read the instructions and they have no idea what is going on.
"Pick a form that sparkles" is the next phrase I need as they run from one unavailable form to the next--the "sparkle" is NOT an effective way to communicate form availability to anyone, menu chat or not.
Menu chat players often just leave before obtaining a form. So what we really need then is a way to restart the game with a substitute player so that we can play with a full team.
An astonishing number of players do not know what "2v2" means. Pretty much one on every team. So the next phrase I need is "Two players per battle please".
The next phrase I need is "That heal will not revive players". This continues to be a source of confusion and it's frustrating to lose matches because newer players understandably do not know this. It should be clearly marked on the cards whether or not they revive players.
Menu chatters have no way to announce that they found the time bonus and the announcement is too easy to miss, forget, or get confused about. Rather than putting in more chat options, there should be an icon for this that everyone can see.
As far as the chat for pick a form, I'm hoping we can get a tutorial in for Beastmoon events that players will need to go through for some basic understanding of how these events work.
I think you are going to like the quick chat changes that are going to be live on Test Realm. When the Beastmoon starts up on there, please give it a go.
There has been talk of a backfill system to make up for players who drop out. That is something other then quick chat but we are aware of the issue.
As far as the Heal over Time not reviving players, I personally would like to make it so you can't target a defeated player with the spell. That would work better then chat.
As far as the Time/Clock, it is now set up so it appears in the chat log. I'm hoping that helps out a lot. There are also quick chat options for it. I do like the ideal of an icon on the screen for the Time/Clock that would take a little more time but you have planted the seed.
Thank you for all the feedback so far. I think together we put together a pretty solid Beastmoon Quick Chat selection. We still may need to tweak it but we are in a much better place with it.
There was one suggestion that we were not able to get in for a Beastmoon 'Favorites' section. I'm sorry I don't see who suggested it for a call out (probably a different thread). I do like this and I that is something we may look into in the future.
The Time Clam / Clockfather 100% should be shown on the screen for all players to see. I got the Time Clam and everyone kept asking if it was gotten; and this is after i had told them I got it. What this tells us is - if it is in the chat, people are just not seeing it there, whether it be an automatic message or the wizard/beast saying it.
Please add a chat to say our coin count. Or to politely ask if we can get coin clams. Or if someone wants to go for the time clam/clockfather.
Additionally, please give us a way to view how many Coins we have outside the event.
A tutorial should be forced upon one's account for when they go in the event for the very first time. By tutorial I mean a completely separate game, the same way we are forced to do so for playing the actual game for the first time and the same way Diego had us do.
- When teaming/grouping up in regular Hunt, we may want to introduce the game to someone new. But any group formed may put us against a highly skilled supergroup. Please consider this.
- Maye a menu chat can be added to say if we are new.
Regarding the Heal Over Time (HoT) not reviving dead beasts - this does not mean the HoT is unhelpful. Do not remove it. The overtime heal has been staying on the dead beast and starts healing them if they are revived later in the battle. It has been a very smart strategy to be used in this way. So yes, add a chat to say HoT's don't revive dead beasts, but then can also add a chat to say, "yes, but HoT's start working once the player is revived".
Most of the chat that was added, I do not know this lingo. I get turned around every single time. The maps and triangle shapes confuse me. When someone is standing too close to a battle, they cannot be seen on the map. I have many forms at tier 5 and many at tier 4 and yet these things are a constant. There should be some easier way to understand the direction the team would like me to go.
Teleporters - despite people saying where they want to go, and despite the menu chat saying where to go, I may never understand those directions with the words made up for this event. I just go into any teleporter and look on the map. Maybe some easier compromise can be made? Maybe make one half of the map red and the other half blue? YES! This might be the solution. Color code the map! Just 2 colors can make a huge difference. Then chat menu can read as: Go to the Blue 2v2 or the Red 3v2 (well wait, what do we call Eye and Star in Mayhem?). Anyways, color coding the map in half would definitely make it easier knowing where each Teleporter will bring us.
Enemy hp - Someone told me the enemy with yellow writing for the name is the weaker enemy (to drag into battle first). Can this be added to menu chat? Chat - Bump into the enemy with the yellow nametag.
Please add at the top of the screen what Wave we are on. The top can show as: Wave 3 / Time Clam/Clockfather found (or NOT FOUND)
If I may add some other issues here... - Spellements - The new spellements gotten from beastmoon seeds and Wave 3 - I do not know where to find these in my inventory. Where are our Spellements? - The badge for Mayhem win count - It is still stuck and not counting our wins. - Clockfathers badge - It reset to zero! I was so close to 100 (was at either 96 or 97) and now zero. (my other wizard already had Clock Puppet badge and still does). Can we all please have our clockfathers badge count restored?
-Minor chat menu things: Are these chat options still available? I need pips Help! Follow Me Lead the way -And the chat that showed how much health we were at is not an option anymore. This could be helpful for others to know if they should rush to help someone about to die. -Hurry! etc etc
I'm just noticing now that Beastmoon menu chat is gone from when we are outside the event? Is there a chat to tell menu chat players some strategy? Like, Go plant beastmoon seeds between matches. Or any way to inform one of the Speed boost trick? One final thing, is there a chat to say specifically if a DoT will defeat an enemy?