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Daily Assignment - in area I can't get to

Jun 16, 2012
Today's assignment is to defeat one copper wing guard in Zulton Dock, Azteca. I don't have that area unlocked yet. I am currently questing in Saltmeadow Swamp with my lv87 fire wizard. I doubt I will reach Zulton Dock before the day's assignment changes.

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
It happens to all of us sometimes. There is no problem. Just pass on the day's daily assignment and you'll have another one tomorrow. The Wizard101 game goes off approximately where you'll be-not exactly where you are.

Jun 16, 2012
No it really doesn't go off the wizard's level that well. My lv87 wizard gets assignments in wizard city half the time. With a smattering of dragonspire, mooshu, marleybone, krokotopia, and celestial for variety.

My lower level wizards seem to almost be split by gender, the girls get wizard city and the boys get krokotopia and marleybone. I think the program for churning out the assignments needs to be looked at under the hood.