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Spell casting glitch when somebody flees.

Dec 17, 2010
Alert: This will sound very confusing.

When somebody flees the duel, it is difficult to cast a spell upon any wizard to the left of the leaver.

If the person in the first place flees, then anybody after that would have to cast the spell onto the person to their right in order to get the person they really want. To cast a spell on third person, you will have to select the second person or else it will end up on the fourth person. This sounds confusing, but I don't know how else to explain it.

This doesn't happen throughout all of the battle. Just the round the person fled, and then it's back to normal.

Moreover, if you have already chosen the spell you wish to cast, say you've casted a blade on yourself, when somebody flees during spell selection, that round will automatically assume you have passed your turn. It will not cast the blade onto anybody. So, in order to avoid this, you have to cancel your selection, then reapply the spell you wish to use, which goes back to the former paragraph of selecting the person to your right.

Furthermore, if it was indeed the first person who left, then no spell can be selected onto the second player. If you choose to cast it on them it will choose the third person. As there is no longer a player to the right of the person in second place, nothing will select them.

I hope this has made sense, and I know Im not the only person who has experienced this.

Sep 17, 2012
This has been a long reported bug. It's been like that for years. Not sure if it can be fixed. You'd think they would have fixed it by now if they could.

Jan 17, 2013
Tophieee on Oct 15, 2016 wrote:
Alert: This will sound very confusing.

When somebody flees the duel, it is difficult to cast a spell upon any wizard to the left of the leaver.

If the person in the first place flees, then anybody after that would have to cast the spell onto the person to their right in order to get the person they really want. To cast a spell on third person, you will have to select the second person or else it will end up on the fourth person. This sounds confusing, but I don't know how else to explain it.

This doesn't happen throughout all of the battle. Just the round the person fled, and then it's back to normal.

Moreover, if you have already chosen the spell you wish to cast, say you've casted a blade on yourself, when somebody flees during spell selection, that round will automatically assume you have passed your turn. It will not cast the blade onto anybody. So, in order to avoid this, you have to cancel your selection, then reapply the spell you wish to use, which goes back to the former paragraph of selecting the person to your right.

Furthermore, if it was indeed the first person who left, then no spell can be selected onto the second player. If you choose to cast it on them it will choose the third person. As there is no longer a player to the right of the person in second place, nothing will select them.

I hope this has made sense, and I know Im not the only person who has experienced this.
This happens to me ALL THE TIME.

I first discovered this when doing Darkmoor, and I was so confused why my one friend was telling me to blade the jade we had, but I quickly understood the glitch when I saw my blade going to the hitter on the spot to the left of the jade.

Now, whenever someone flees, I have to tell my friend to quickly blade the person to the right of the hitter before the countdown ends and the round begins.

I'm so happy that my friends and me aren't the only people who are aware of this glitch... Hopefully Kingsisle fixes it someday.