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Bundle Question

Nov 24, 2015
I recently bought the Polaris bundle, and I'm waiting to redeem it for when my wizards are higher levels. Are the mounts/pets/clothing trade able in the bundles? I want my other wizards to have access to the battle narwhal mount. Can I put it in the shared bank along with the rest of the items?

A+ Student
Mar 31, 2009
Yes, except the house and Elixir. (Your character must be the appropriate level to use the item is all.) This generally applies to all bundles.

Jan 17, 2013
Kullen NightRider on Oct 25, 2016 wrote:
I recently bought the Polaris bundle, and I'm waiting to redeem it for when my wizards are higher levels. Are the mounts/pets/clothing trade able in the bundles? I want my other wizards to have access to the battle narwhal mount. Can I put it in the shared bank along with the rest of the items?
Everything in it is trade-able.

Oct 29, 2011
Everything is tradeable. You can redeem the code without actually activating the gear. There is a gift box which allows you to take out certain items out of the gift box.

Jul 22, 2015
All mounts that say No Trade are not tradeable. If you don't see the tag, you can put it in the shared bank.I believe all clothing and mounts in bundles are tradeable.

Nov 24, 2015
Sep 17, 2012
exp613 on Oct 25, 2016 wrote:
Yes, except the house and Elixir. (Your character must be the appropriate level to use the item is all.) This generally applies to all bundles.
Actually even the houses are tradeable now. You are just limited to trading each house once every 90 days and you can't have any no-trade items in the house.