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Which of these 3 schools are best for soloing?

Nov 11, 2016
I have picked down to:
as an option for mostly soloing the game, if you could tell me which you would prefer and why. That would be great

Aug 25, 2014
Death is the simplest to solo with. With balance you have to know how to play the school well. Balance does not always do a lot of damage so the fights can be long.

Jul 18, 2009
I would say death, but I'm biased. Just because of the health sapping and stable stats all around..

Oct 29, 2011
holyyy on Nov 15, 2016 wrote:
I have picked down to:
as an option for mostly soloing the game, if you could tell me which you would prefer and why. That would be great
In my opinion I would have to go with death. Decent damage, decent health, decent resist, and it is very balanced. The only problem with the balance school is that there is no prism which would be a problem when fighting balance mobs.

Aug 08, 2012

I believe the school would be Myth because of the stuns spells e.g. Medusa and Basilisk, it has a good amount of damage and with the right gear, I decent amount of health too. I have only had my Myth for 5 days and I am already in Dragonspyre and level 40 from soloing.

Good luck!


Christopher Frogweaver - Level 110
Wolf - Level 44
Angela - Level 40
Thomas - Level 23
Dakota Deathvault - Level 15
Mason Fire - Level 7

Nov 05, 2010
Do not use balance, it's not great for soloing but turns out, death and myth are the 2 best schools for soloing. Which one you choose is really up to you

Jul 24, 2015
Death is best due to drains, Juju (in the later game), and the fact that you need no training points for Feint.

Drains don't hit quite as hard as other spells, but heal you up and bypass absorbs. They are very efficient with both pips and rounds. Both Myth and Balance solo well enough, but they have their quirks.

Oct 24, 2012
I'd use Death, it's the easiest to solo with. Myth and Balance are more advanced and require you to know what you're doing and how to build the deck. With death you don't need to heal as you get health back from your hits.

Jan 18, 2010
As you can see, the one that'll prove most challenging would probably be Balance. Having soloing most of these Worlds up to Polaris myself on a balance, I can testify to that.

Jul 29, 2012
Its not one of your options but me personally i soloed with few classes and storm was by far the easiest mostly because of the damage and critical, like every fight was at most maybe 8 rounds but average took me 1 to 2 rounds for minion and 4 to 5 rounds for a boss. Healing you can get tc until you can get healing current and get tc feints for boss and your set.i think Its best if you want to do if fast.

Sep 17, 2012
Death can be hard to solo early in the game, but once you get Scarecrow it's the easiest solo school into the high levels. Myth is pretty straight forward and good at soloing at all levels. Balance requires a lot more skill and different strategy to solo well. Any school can solo the game successfully, they each require slight adjustment to play style is all.

Oct 29, 2011
Christopher FrogWe... on Nov 16, 2016 wrote:

I believe the school would be Myth because of the stuns spells e.g. Medusa and Basilisk, it has a good amount of damage and with the right gear, I decent amount of health too. I have only had my Myth for 5 days and I am already in Dragonspyre and level 40 from soloing.

Good luck!


Christopher Frogweaver - Level 110
Wolf - Level 44
Angela - Level 40
Thomas - Level 23
Dakota Deathvault - Level 15
Mason Fire - Level 7
Most of the bosses are stun resistant. Also, myth has the second lowest amount of health.