I think it would be cool if crow healed all of your team. so for example the first mobs health goes to the first player the second mobs health goes to the second player and so on. I want this as i normaly just fully heal on first mob anyway so it would be cool if my whole team got healed as a result.
And for all of you saying this would make death too OP, no it wouldnt it would just let them help out a team as well as being a solo player.
This may be a rather unique way of looking at the spell. But this to me makes little sense. It practically defeats the whole purpose of the school.
Death and life aren't the same thing, in fact, they're opposites, so why should death's first, learned AoE be given an additional advantage of healing players who didn't even cast the spell in the first place?
Many are already annoyed at how easy other schools can somehow transform into Theurgist all of a sudden and take their role. This suggestion would only send the pot boiling even more.
This may be a rather unique way of looking at the spell. But this to me makes little sense. It practically defeats the whole purpose of the school.
Death and life aren't the same thing, in fact, they're opposites, so why should death's first, learned AoE be given an additional advantage of healing players who didn't even cast the spell in the first place?
Many are already annoyed at how easy other schools can somehow transform into Theurgist all of a sudden and take their role. This suggestion would only send the pot boiling even more.
Your right scarecrow would be a bit OP but what about khrulu as Cole said as this is a level 100 spell and would be a reward for getting this far into the gaem. also it uses a shadow pip so its not as OP.
I like that idea but I think it will work better without being too op if Scarecrow and Khrulu would divide the healing among the players. I know Death is not Life but it doesn't have to make prefect sense. It's the idea and what attracts players to this fantasy role playing game that counts. What does the pot boiling have anything to do with this game; its the same as comparing apples and oranges to Wizard101