Well, I don't PvP because I've been focused on questing for the past three or four years. But, I used to when I didn't have a membership. Some tips.
Do's Make sure your prepared Play fair Look at the school before joining a match Take all animus cards out of your deck and replace them Have fun
Don'ts Do not spam, it makes the game less fun for your opponent Never join matches against a higher level person that has no level minimum or maximum Don't join a match (especially ranked) against people of a far smaller level Have a friend stand on the side and tell you what spells the opponent is using Trash talk isn't a good way to go And never turn off the "within level range" box in ranked PvP, if you are in fear of being beaten or spammed
I get that there are more don'ts than do's, but you have to be careful because people are sketchy sometimes. Don't be afraid to PvP. You aren't going to be bad at PvP because when you stay within your level range, you should be just as good as everyone else!