You enter your date of birth when you originally set up the account. Just like your username, you can't change your date of birth. We're sorry for any frustration, but it's a non-edit field.
You will have to make a credit card purchase of either $10 in Crowns or a subscription with a valid CREDIT CARD to access the filtered chat functions.
We're sure you'll find the filter chat option to be most acceptable to communicating in game.
REMINDER: Just because you can say something, doesn't mean it's allowed (even typing around the chat filters). The Terms of Use apply to ALL chat levels! ** An account that is under 18 years old is not eligible to use Open Chat.
- Now, if you just want plain text-chat, do it yourself in the settings. You will need to know your master-password if you have one. Access settings via "My Accounts" "Parental Controls"