Everyone talks about how shadow magic ruined PvP and how it makes matches way more fast paced than they should be, and I agree with those statements. Nobody likes a match where your opponent is first and they start off with a shadow pip and proceed to open hit you. Because of shadow magic the 3 schools that became the most powerful were Balance, Fire, and Ice due to the fact their shadow spells were just better than the other schools when it comes to PvP. This caused a majority of high rank players to create dedicated resist pets to fire ice and balance JUST to counter these schools.
So because shadow magic was introduced you have 1. Faster paced matches that require less thinking and skill and more quick hits
2. Special pets just to deal with the current meta
DISCLAIMER- I am not saying these pets are a problem nor am I against them, I'm just stating that these are the lengths players had to go to just to be able to slow the matches down and not get blown up by shadow spells.
How we can appease the players who prefer shadow magic and the players who would like to see the spells no PvP is easy. Create 2 ranked systems. The idea sounds a little confusing but it makes sense. Instead of just having a ranked system where anything goes there can be 2. Lets call the first ranked system "Standard", and in Standard it can be just like the current ranked system, where all spells are allowed. Now for the second system we can call "Classic" and this will be the system where shadow spells can be banned. The player will have 2 separate ranks, one for Standard and one for Classic, there can be 2 separate leader boards, and over all everyone would benefit. Hope you guys like the idea, it's worked for other card games more recently such as Hearthstone, let me know what you guys would think about this and if you would like to see something like this. Thanks for reading!
KI seems very reluctant to change how ranked works, they did however mention that this could be a new potential tournament format.
Seems they want to use tournaments to test new formats so as not to upset the ranked players who are left. Not sure this will ever get more players into ranked though. As I am sure we have all noticed tournaments are full and ranked is still a waste land with perhaps 20 matches tops going at once.
Perhaps if they were a bit more bold and just changed up ranked we would see more matches there, which honestly is what we need most.