something I feel like KI doesn't get a lot of is thank you messages for good additions to the game. what I am thankful for now is the many additions they added to menu chat. last night I was doing a waterworks run for my storm robe and before we ran in for the final boss it seemed like my team kept trying to tell me something so I told them I didn't have text chat (that's not the new phrase) and after a few seconds one of them told me to use a spell to dispel storm spells and I finally understood. putting storm dispels on Sylvester on the dark bubble rounds will stop him from removing blades after the bubble is gone which allowed us to build up a strong hit to take him out. And after all of that I looked at my drops and... I got the robe I desperately needed! if it wasn't for that update to menu chat that fight would have dragged out for a while. Thank you Kingilse!