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New Shadow Heal(Life school)

Nov 14, 2015
We all know how disappointing the life heal swans was, we were ALL wanting a new heal spell and we got one with swans, we were stoked....then it came out and we're still not satisfied with this super weak heal, can we get an aoe heal that's similar to the 4 pip fire and storm shadow spells where you can select which ones you want to heal. a way to counted this would be the normal 50% heal decrease or introducing the trap healing decreases that some monsters use. But can we make it like a 1000 or something heal that works like the previously mentioned spells where it divides, this would make life a MUCH easier class to heal in since swans was such a flop. And let's be honest swans should've been at least 600-800 since it's over 3 rounds like it's just a mass regenerate which is given at such a level it isn't even viable unless you just want to throw out an AOE dmg.