I'm in Khrysalis in the Shadow Palace. As we progress through the game we are being encouraged to use more Shadow magic. I would do that but I don't totally understand it. Are they spells on their own? Are they charms? I mean...if I put up my blades and lay the fire around my feet what advantage is turning myself into a Shadow Shrike? I know Star Edward and the gang are going to give me the stats, which I want, but I'd also like to hear from other wizards on how they use the shadow spells. Those of you who think Shadow is useless please stay out of this thread. I know you're out there. Thank you in advance for the advice.
Backlash describes in layman terms the amount of damage YOU, the Caster will sustain equal to a certain % of your current health. Notice I didn't say overall health.
Let's take Shadow Strike for example.
Upon using the spell, you'll notice a message saying +30 Backlash. So, it means you'll be taking quite some damage after the spell's termination (at the end of three rounds) unless you do things to lower this backlash so you receive no damage at all. Since Shadow Strike is an offensive spell, the spell/creature will enjoy spells catering to offensive tactics. Hence, using charms such as Blades, wards such as Traps & Attacking will all lower the Backlash. However, defensive mechanisms such as Shielding and Healing angers the Shadow and will increase the backlash damage you will receive.
So, the spell as I said before is meant to compliment your other attacks and give you further boosts towards your damage. It's another reason why this spell was handed to you for free since is a school built on offense.
Schools such as & has to spend a training point to learn the spell.
The spell also greatly helps out wizards. Since we don't have any converts to use on Balance Mobs, using Shrike allows us to have enough pierce to have their resistance nullified. So, it's pretty useful. Plus, once you attack in Shrike Form, you're automatically granted a 10% Dragonspear.
On a side note, you'll also be learning school spells such as Fire from Above and Scorching Scimitars that will require Shadow Pips in order to be casted. Since you've used the level 125 Fire Henchmen, you'll probably already been accustomed to the first spell.
You increase your shadow pip % through gear by the way.
"I know Star Edward and the gang are going to give me the stats, which I want"
I see my reputation proceeds me :P
But yes, I will in detail provide you some stats on laydown of the spell, but before we can discuss that, we've to talk about Shadow Magic and what it entails.
Now, the NPC's do a good job of introducing us to the specifies of this new area of magic, but I notice that at times, a few wizards are still confused, so I'm going to attempt to kinda break it down a little to sort of clear the shadows (no pun intended) surrounding the study.
Now, Shadow Magic uses a similar system to the current pip system known as Shadow Pips. Unlike the regular pip system (where one gains a pip every round until capping at seven), you will only have a chance of gaining a Shadow Pip; in other words, it is not guaranteed every round. So, you can go a full battle without even gaining one, or you can go a full battle while gaining them after each use.
Next, Shadow Pips work a little different from regular pips in another way. The cap is not seven as compared to other pips, the cap depends on your level in Shadow Magic, so new practitioners of the study will only have a cap of 1-2 Shadow Pip(s). Meaning, this is the maximum you can gain, you won't have a vast array like your normal pip count. You'll notice your Shadow Pips on the icon just above your regular pips or by the dark spot where your pips accumulate.
Your Shadow Pip % increases mostly by the gear you equip; many level 100+ gear (Darkmoor's for example) features stats catering to this. It also increases the more you learn/exposed to Shadow Magic. Note - Currently, there's no way to accurately tell your% on your stat page, but they will appear!
That wraps up the first part of the "lesson" if you will, on the next lecture, I'll divulge into the spells and consequences stats etc.
Shadow Shrike, a personal favorite of mind is a well known Shadow Spell which specializes in Offense. Shadow spells such as this one temporarily transforms your wizard into a creature of Shadow increasing your offensive stats until the spell's termination. Shadow spells usually ends on the third round; hence, the effects only lasts three consecutive rounds. This spell increases overall pierce by 50% and gives an additional 10% to overall damage boosts.
With such an outstanding effect, it's only natural that these spells that transforms you will contain some form of drawbacks. Well, these "drawbacks" exist in the term called Backlash - you'll first come across this term whenever you or a mob cast a Shadow Spell. Backlash describes the amount of damage equal to a certain % of you the caster's current health. Notice I said your current health and not overall health.
All Shadow Spells will have this mechanism which will be reflected in a circle (gets larger and more red depending on the amount of backlash you've accumulated hence increasing damage you will sustain) orbiting the upper portion of the caster. However, they're methods that can be employed to reduce this Backlash so much so that the damage you'll sustain results in 0.
Shadow Strike like I said before zeals in Offense, hence, using spells that caters towards offense will lower the spell's overall Backlash. Tactics such as using Charms such as Blades, Wards such as Traps and Attacking all lowers the overall Backlash Damage you'll receive. Another key feature about this spell is that you'll always be gifted a Dragonspear Card every time you attack in this form. The creature dislikes Defensive Mechanisms such as Healing and Shielding however. Doing this will add to the overall damage you'll receive.
Here, we'll discuss the usage of these spells and how it can complement you as a Practitioner of.
Shadow Spells works in conjunction with all your other spells. That is, It will stack and be added to your Blades, Traps and Auras. So, you don't need to worry about those effects disappearing, it's completely fine. Remember as I taught you in the previous lesson, using these spells (except auras) all complement to lowering the Backlash feature of the Shadow Strike Spell.
Now, I wouldn't recommend using the spell in all your battles or in any mob battles in fact. It's not needed right now. The regular tactic we spoke about a year or so ago of blading and hitting will still work. Shadow Strike mainly specializes in Pierce which is something a school such as heavily needs. I use the spell more often on my since the school doesn't get a convert; meaning, the only way to really do massive damage to enemies is through Pierce. It works.
However, if you feel or foresee a situation where you think it might be helpful, then you can go ahead and add the spell to your deck.
Eventually, you'll be learning school spells (you should've picked one up already in Castle Darkmoor) Fire from Above which requires a Shadow Pip in addition to Five Pips to be used.
So, in essence:
Shadow Magic requires Shadow Pip(s) (some needs two) to be used. Shadow Pips caps out at two and may not appear every round. Shadow Pips can be increased with gear. Shadow Magic works in conjunction with all regular spells currently in effect. Only one Shadow Magic Spell can be in effect at once. The spell lasts a total of three rounds. Each Shadow Magic Creature has a lists of "likes" and "dislikes" all affecting overall Backlash. Shadow Magic should only be used when necessary.
Thank you very much Edward. You have a great reputation with me. You've helped me out many times. This all makes me want to hurry and get to Darkmoor (wherever that is). New gear sounds good. Looking at Youtube last night I saw some shadow charmed spell cards. Very curious about those. I'm not totally sure what you meant about adding the shrike to my blades. I'm about to go try that out. As always, useful information. I will be back for more lessons on different spells.
Star Edward said Only one Shadow spell can be active at any time.
This is not quite true, if you use Dark Nova, you can still cast Shrike (if you get a shadow pip while Nova is in effect). Shrike is also a like for Dark Nova.