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Henchman Glitch

Jun 18, 2009
Hello! I decided to hire a death henchman (The level 90 one, name was Tzitzim Poisoned Arrow) He.. I don't know if "Cheat" is the right word.. I took a screenshot to prove it but didn't know I couldn't post it.. but he used VIRULENT PLAGUE (A 3 pip spell) with only 1 Power Pip. That's not massively gamebreaking, but it certainly is odd. I sadly can't post the screenshot but I am holding onto it incase KI contacts me about it further.

Jan 18, 2010
Are you sure the henchmen casted Virulent Plague and not just the regular version of the 1 pip spell Plague?

Keep in mind that similarly to Virulent Plague, the original version also affects all mobs present.

Usually, when henchmen attempt to cast a spell they don't have enough pips for, they just pass.

Jun 18, 2009
Nope, I am positive! I even have a screenshot, I looked it over again and again. I highlighted his spell choice, and made sure you could see his pips. And he DID cast it. It's not like it can be abused in PvP, but that is a little wonky.